Bad Attitude
A Lifetime Ago
Mama of many Talents
Favorite Habits
Wish Upon a Star
When wearing THESE, Tanya best expresses the underlying attitude she lives much of her life with.
What are "knee-high black boots"?
Growing up, equality was a strong virtue for Tanya. This virtue was most expressed while visiting McDonalds with her family. During these visits she was always sure to count the distribution of WHAT.
What are "french fries"?
Tanya's preferred method of art is THIS style.
What is "watercolor"?
It was cool in the 1980's, and Tanya believes it is still cool to have on her person, chew and to offer everyone around her. Tanya is known for the habit of having THIS item on her at all times... and now her 2 boys expect its constant availability.
What is "Chewing gum" ?
As a high-schooler, Tanya believed that certain attributes were to be sought after in finding a boyfriend. Sought after attributes included being musically talented, sporting a leather jacket toting, and being "mysterious". THESE other attributes also ranked quite high.
What is “pursuing a degree and career in accounting, and passionately creating spreadsheets”?
A bad attitude coming from Tanya can intimidate even the most hardened individuals. Like most of us, Tanya has a "go to expression" she makes when her attitude heads south. Tanya goes to THIS posture in her moments of complete anger.
What is "kneeling down and praying for a contrite heart"?
Tanya grew up with cats roaming her house and the life of dogs were unfamiliar to her. As a puppy, Tanya once caught Bueni chewing on THESE and feared an emergency visit to the vet may be in order.
What is "grass and sticks"?
Many have confused Tanya with her doppelganger, Katy Perry. It’s easy to have this confusion when bearing witness to Tanya doing THIS around the kitchen along with her boys (the youngest 2 only) following suit.
What is "dancing and lip sinking to Roar"?
In our family we call it "zoning out". Often this blank stare occurs in Tanya's eyes when we've reached the 1.5hrs mark while driving in the car. Shortly thereafter, Tanya will begin to pick at WHAT.
What are "dry lips"?
After finding the best boyfriend ever and marrying the greatest husband of all time, Tanya then wished to have THESE.
What are "two boys that don't know the meaning of still"?
If you're looking for an absolute way to get kicked out of the kitchen by Tanya, do THIS while she is passively cooking at the stovetop.
What is "provide assistance by turning down the stove burner, so that dinner doesn't catch on fire"?
Looking for any possible way to increase her chances of love, Tanya once enrolled in THIS class at CU Boulder, just so that she could sit next to David Dodge and ask to study together.
What is "Greek Mythology"?
Certain travel considerations are important when heading out on a camping trip into the woods or on to a long road. According to Tanya THIS particular consideration, isn’t one of them.
What is “packing just enough and only for the days we’ll be gone”?
When starting the car, most drivers will immediately buckle their seat, or perhaps turn on the car radio. For Tanya there is only one important step to take first. Her first step, once seated, is to WHAT.
What is to "turn on her heated car seat"?
Last weekend, after months of packing lunches, cleaning floors, and folding laundry, Tanya declared that her life as a mother and wife was over and she was departing to this famous Avenue to begin the career of her destiny.
What is "Broadway"?
Being a big Bronco fan, Tanya was quite unhappy about the team missing the playoffs this past season. As the Broncos ended their last game, she made THIS hand gesture towards the television?
What is "applauding in consolation"?
Tanya loved her previous visit to trip to THIS region so much, that she now paints the walls of each home she lives in with a variety of different colors.
What is "Tibet"?
Some might say THIS belongs tucked into the ribbon on a gift; however, for those who receive a gift from Tanya, THIS usually becomes more significant than the item in the box.
What is “a card full of heart-warming, inspiring, loving and life-giving words”?
Tanya may call it a discipline, because "habit" has connotations. Without fail, THIS must happen within hours after a sick family member has been through the house.
What is "disinfect door knobs, countertops and faucet handles"?
Everyone dreams of having a super power that would make life a breeze. Most think of a superpower as an improvement in one's ability. For Tanya, she would prefer a superpower that decreases her ability to WHAT.
What is "to be so wonderful at everything, because all that admiration makes it hard being Tanya"?
Last month during indoor soccer season, all Tanya wanted was to do was bend a shot like Beckham into the net for a goal. Instead, after continually being fouled, she delivered a most acute message to her opponent. In great angst she said THIS to her opponents after the game.
What is "good game, that was fun, thank you"?
The night before her wedding, Tanya and her bachelorette party "happened" to drive by David's bachelor party playing out on the streets of Boulder. The timing was impeccable, as David (unknowingly) ran by their honking car "celebrating bachelorhood". It was then, David knew the accuracy of THIS well know nickname of Tanya's.
Who is "Mrs. Wright on Time"?
Beneath her quiet disposition, Tanya has a ferocious streak of competitiveness and strength. In 2017, she plans to experience her first victory in THIS type of competitive contest.
What is “eating the most carne asada possible in 2 hours, at our favorite soccer team parties”?
Most would agree with Tanya of the importance of safety, in these daily routines; however in our family, its always contested. THIS is a safety measure Tanya certain to take upon departing our home each day.
What is "locking the front door"?
After just 40yrs, all of Tanya's dreams have been fulfilled. Despite that, Tanya dares to have THIS one last dream.
What is "a little peace & quiet"?