Figurative Language
Context Clues
Father: “We are going on a vacation.” Son: “That’s great!!!” What tone is the son using to speak to his father?
What is cheerful
The computer threw a fit when Mrs. Terry tried to use it.
What is Personification
clues in a sentence that help you identify unknown words. Examples might include; but, although, however.
What are context clues
An educated guess based on textual evidence and your prior knowledge
What is an inference
The dictionary definition of a word
What is denotation
Father: “We can’t go on vacation this summer.” Son: “Ok. Great! That’s what I expected.” What tone is the son using to speak to his father?
What is sarcastic
"Hey, giiirrrllll! That is some lovely lipstick you are wearing!"
What is alliteration
What is the meaning of the word inconsolable? "After the Panthers LOST the Superbowl, Mr. Terry was inconsolable; he went to bed and did not speak for 2 days.
What is "unable to be comforted"
Sherry's toddler is in bed upstairs. She hears a bang and crying. What happened to her child?
What is The kid fell out of bed
The feelings associated with a word
What is connotation
“The river, reflecting the clear blue of the sky, glistened and sparkled as it flowed noiselessly on.” What is the mood?
What is calm/peaceful
Her eyes are like the eyes of statues
What is simile
What is the meaning of the word dispel. "The flowers that my husband gave me do not dispel the fact that he forgot our wedding anniversary."
What is "to eliminate; to get rid of"
Watching a man run towards the gate at the airport: One can infer... Give me three examples
What is he missed his flight he is chasing the love of his life his kid got on the wrong plane he is confused and doesn't know why he is there he likes to run
connotation associated with the word skinny
What is negative
“And the trees all died. They were orange trees. I don’t know why they died, they just died. Something wrong with the soil possibly or maybe the stuff we got from the nursery wasn’t the best. We complained about it. So we’ve got thirty kids there, each kid had his or her own little tree to plant and we’ve got these thirty dead trees. All these kids looking at these little brown sticks, it was depressing.” What is the mood?
What is gloomy/depressed
Each blade of grass was a tiny bayonet pointed firmly at our bare feet.
What is metaphor
What is the meaning of barrage? "After report cards are sent home, Mrs. Terry is barraged with complaints from parents who are unhappy with their students' grades."
What is "to bombared with something"
"Argh!" Amber exclaimed as she pulled off her sweater and threw it into a multicolored pile of clothes. She walked into her closet and swept her hand recklessly through the rows of hanging garments, her face reflecting her dissatisfaction. She scoffed and grabbed a silver dress. She held it up to the mirror against her body for a moment, sighed, and then stepped into the dress. She gazed into the mirror, and then huffed and threw her fists down with disappointment. She heard her mother's voice through the door, "Amber, Scott's here. Are you almost ready?" Amber groaned, "OK, just tell him I'll be down in two minutes!" She slid the silver dress back off and threw it into an ever-growing multicolored pile of clothes. What is her problem? Will she be ready?
What is She has a bad attitude and is super picky about her clothes She won't be ready because she still isn't dressed. P.S don't follow Brett on instagram
denotation of the word house
What is a dwelling in which someone lives
"Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary" or "And the silken sad uncertain rustling of each purple curtain" What is the tone?
What is mysterious
He walked down the road to nowhere.
What is hyperbole
What is the meaning of the word dignitary? The principal use of the term is ecclesiastical, and refers to the person who carries a staff as a symbol of office before a bishop or other church dignitary when taking part in a service, especially one held in a cathedral"
What is "a person considered to be important because of high rank or office."
Iggy squinted as he tried to see through the holes in the ski mask. He could make out the large bag on the counter. The frightened woman who put it there now had both hands raised. As he took the bag off of the counter, Iggy tipped an imaginary hat to the woman. The jest did not brighten her demeanor. Iggy exited the first set of doors but stopped in the vestibule. Soon the windows of the building pulsated with blue and red lights. Iggy hurriedly walked back into the building. What is Iggy doing? Why does he tip an imaginary hat to the woman?
What is He is a punk robbing a bank..bad choice yo trying to be
list a negative and positive connotation for the word young
What is youthful/immature