Number of books can you check out in the library at one time
What is 3
First place(s) to check for missed work if you're absent
Google Classroom
Homework Website
What must you have to be anywhere but your 1st hour teacher OR a Blue Team teacher?
What is a pass from your first hour teacher
Amount of bathroom passes for each student per quarter?
What is 2
Which door do we exit in case of a fire?
The exterior door in Mr. Hornback's room.
Times of the day you can visit the library
What is...
Before school (beginning after Labor Day)
During down time in another class, with teacher's permission
How you know if something is to be done for homework via the Homework Website.
What is if it's typed in RED
What is the result if you do not have a pass from your 1st hour teacher?
What should you do upon arriving to class
Begin preparations for class
Bell Work
Room where we take shelter in case of a tornado
What is Mr. Trentmann's room
How long do you get to keep your book(s) when you check them out?
2 weeks
The amount of time you have to complete an absent assignment before late points will be deducted
What is one week
Do you still have to complete Bell Work if you're absent?
What do we do in this class on Fridays?
Independent Reading
Corner of the room we go to for an intruder drill
The corner with the chairs
What page should you have bookmarked in order to receive candy from Mrs. Jankowski?
WMS library homepage
When would be a useful time to find out about what you missed?
Before school
Before class
After school
What should you do if you don't have a supply that you need for class?
Find it, figure it out, borrow what you need, etc.
When are bell work grades collected?
Where should you turn in all paper work?
In the turn in tray
Where do you go in case of a tornado when you're in the library?
The teacher workroom downstairs
Whose responsibility is it to collect missing work or information from being absent?
The student's
Consequence this semester for having to visit the Help Desk for a loaner computer
What is a Think Sheet
How many tardies/per quarter for this class before a write up?
What do you need to give me in order to leave my classroom?
Your phone