Vocabulary Matters
No Two Things Added Together are Alike
There is a Difference but the Foundation Must be the Same
Sums and Differences While Keeping it Simple
Breaking it Down Step by Step Makes it Doable
A common multiple of two or more numbers of the same name.
What is common denominator?
1/5 + 1/2
What is 7/10
3/5 - 3/10
What is 3/10?
2 2/3 - 1 2/5
What is 1 4/15?
Della bought a tree seedling that was 2 1/4 feet tall. During the first year, it grew 1 1/6 feet. After two years, it was 5 feet tall. How much did the seedling grow during the second year?
What is 1 7/12 tall?
We call this the "LCM" and it is the best one to use in Mrs. V.'s opinion.
What is least common multiple?
3/8 + 1/2
What is 7/8
1/2 - 1/10
What is 2/5?
7 3/4 + 3 7/20
What is 11 1/10?
9 1/6 - 2 3/4
What is 6 5/12?
This type of fraction is 'top heavy' and in most cases should be changed to a number that is 'proper'.
What is an improper fraction?
5/6 + 1/3
What is 1 1/6
Wesley bought 1/2 pound of nails for a project. When he finished the project, he had 1/4 pound of the nails left. How many pounds of nails did he use?
What is 1/4 pound?
5 1/9 - 3 5/6
What is 1 5/18?
7 - 3/7
What is 6 4/7?
This number contains a whole number and a fraction of that number and is the correct way to write a 'wrong' fraction.
What is mixed number?
Brandus bought 1/3 pound of ground turkey and 3/4 pound of ground beef to make sausages. How many pounds of meat did he buy?
What is 1 1/12?
A meatloaf recipe calls for 7/8 cup of bread crumbs for the loaf and the topping. If 3/4 cup is used for the loaf, what fraction of a cup is used for the topping?
What is 1/8 cup?
Samuel walks in the Labor Day parade. He walks 3 1/4 miles along the parade route and 2 5/6 miles home. How many miles does Samuel walk?
What is 6 1/12 miles.
Ursula mixed 3 1/8 cups of dry ingredients with 1 2/5 cups of liquid ingredients. Which answer represents the best estimate of the total amount of ingredients Ursula mixed?
What is about 4 1/2 cups?
When the numerator and denominator for your fraction is divided by this number, it puts your fraction in its simplest form.
What is Greatest Common Factor?
Hirva ate 5/8 of a medium pizza. Elizabeth ate 1/4 of the pizza. How much pizza did they eat altogether?
What is 7/8?
Rachel bought 5/6 foot of elastic. She use 1/4 foot to make a bracelet. How much elastic did Rachel have after making her bracelet?
What is 7/12 foot?
A gardener has a container with 6 1/5 ounces of liquid plant fertilizer. On Sunday, the gardener uses 2 1/2 ounces on a flower garden. How many ounces of liquid plant fertilizer are left?
What is 3 7/10
5 1/9 - 3 5/6
What is 1 5/18?