semantic relationships
multiple meaning words

I added 3⁄4 cup of water,

1⁄4 cup of milk, and 1 cup

of chicken broth to the

recipe. There was...

A) more

water than



B) less milk

than chicken


B- Less milk than chicken broth


I was glad we had brought along folding chairs to set up at the curb, because we had the best front row seats. We heard high school bands playing as they marched by and saw clowns doing cartwheels and holding colorful balloons. Majorettes twirled their silver batons and tossed them high into the air. Where are we? 

A- at a marathon

B- at a school dance

C- at a football game

D- at a parade

D- at a parade


Give two meanings for the word bat. If you say the word "bat" in your response you do not get any points.

1. A furry animal with wings that lives in a cave and sleeps upside down

2. A long wooden or metal stick that you use to hit a baseball


My history book has 329

pages. My science book

has 454, and my math

book has 300. My science

book has...

A) Fewer

pages than

my math


B) more pages

than my

history book

B: More pages than my history book


This was Ella's favorite time of night. Dinner was over and she and her family lazed around the fire under the lush trees. Dad went into the tent and brought out a package of marshmallows, chocolate candy, and graham crackers. S'mores were her favorite dessert while her family was on vacation. She couldn't wait to roast her marshmallow to a golden brown and pop the s'more into her mouth. 

Where is Ella?

A- at a campground

B- In the desert

C-In her backyard

D-in the kitchen

A- At a campground


Give two meanings for the word "watch". If you use the word "watch" in your response, you do not get any points. 

1. A small clock that you wear on your wrist 

2. an action word that means to look at something for a long period of time


My mom drove 20 mph in the school zone. When we

drove in our neighborhood, she increased her speed

by 5 mph. Once we were on the highway, she drove

50 mph. My mom drove...

A. slower in our neighborhood than she did in the school zone

B. slower in the school zone than she did in our neighborhood

B. slower in the school zone than she did in our neighborhood


Because it is a school night, my lights were supposed to be out. But I was in the middle of a fantastic book and wanted to read more before going to sleep. I reached into my nightstand and grabbed a flashlight. I pulled the blanket over my head and began reading by the circle of yellow light that illuminated the pages. Where am I?

A- at a friend's house

B- In the family room

C-in my bedroom

D-in a tent

C- in my bedroom


Give two meanings for the word "handle". If you use the word "handle" in your response you will not receive any points.

1. To take care of

2. the part of something that you grab with your hand, such as on a bike.


Damon’s grandma is 63

years old. His grandpa

is turning 65 in 12 days.

His grandma is...

A) younger

than his



older than

his grandpa

A- Younger than his grandpa


There are five essentials plants need to grow. They are light, temperature, water, air, and nutrients. The most important essential is light. Plants take in light they need for photosynthesis. Temperature also plays an important part for the plants to grow, because plants require different temperature at different stages of growth. Water is very important for plants. Finally, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide greatly affect the growth of plants. Based on the information in the story, the reader can conclude that plants:

A-Are hard to take care of

B-Cannot survive without all of the essentials

C- can become sick very easily

D-need most of the essentials to live

B- Cannot survive without all of the essentials


Give two meanings for the word "kind". If you use the word "kind" in your response, you will not receive any points. 

1. type 

2. nice


Ben can lift 50 pound

weights at the gym.

Carson can lift 40, and

Weston can lift 60.

Carson is...

A) stronger

than Ben

B) weaker

than Weston

B- weaker than Weston


After a time, Alice heard a little pattering of feet in the distance, and she hastily dried her eyes to see what was coming. It was the white rabbit returning, splendidly dressed, with a pair of white kid gloves in one hand and a large fan in the other: he came trotting along in a great hurry, muttering to himself as he came, "Oh! the Duchess, the Duchess! Oh!  won't she be mad if I've kept her waiting!' Alice felt so worried that she was ready to ask help of any one; so, when the Rabbit came near her, she began, in a low, timid voice, "if you please, sir-" The Rabbit started violently, dropped the white kid gloves and the fan, and scurried away into the darkness as hard as he could go. We can infer that the White Rabbit is 

A-Close with the Duchess

B-Running Away

C-Always Late

D-Afraid of Alice

D- Afraid of Alice


Give two meanings for the word "tackle". Do not use the word "tackle" in your response or else you will not receive points. 

1. the equipment required for fishing

2. to throw yourself upon another person