Name the note that is 4 beats long in 4/4 time signature.
What is a whole note?
This has five lines and four spaces.
What is a music staff?
This symbol means you need to go back and play the same thing you just played.
What is a repeat sign?
The half note is this many beats long in 4/4 time signature.
What is 2 beats?
These numbers tell you how many beats will be in each measure.
What is time signature?
This note lasts one beat in 4/4 time signature.
What is a quarter note?
The clarinet belongs to this family
What is the Woodwind Family?
This is the lowest note you have to know on the treble clef.
What is E?
One eighth note is this many beats in 4/4 time signature.
What is 1/2 of a beat?
This symbol is at the front of the staff and tells you the pitches are going to be played. It also is known as Mrs. Curly Q.
What is the treble clef?
This music term tell us that there is pattern that is repeating.
What is ostinato?
A dotted half note is this many beats in 4/4 time signature.
What is 3 beats?
All instruments are categorized into families by this specific way.
What is how the instrument is played?