What if I don’t like my assigned group for a project?

If you’re unhappy with your group, let me know. I can help address any issues or help you understand how to work effectively with your group.


Can I ask questions during bellwork time?

No, bellwork is a quiet time for individual work. Save your questions for after bellwork is collected.


What should I do if I finish all my work before the class ends?

If you complete your work early, review it to ensure it’s done correctly or use the extra time to help others or get ahead on future tasks.


How can I make sure I’m following all classroom rules?

Pay attention to instructions, stay organized, and follow the classroom procedures. If you’re unsure, ask me for clarification.


Can I use my phone as a translator to understand class materials?

Yes, you can use your phone as a translator if you don’t understand something, but you need to ask me for permission first. I can also show you how to use translation tools on the computers available in class.


Can I change my group if I’m having trouble working with a group member?

You can discuss the issue with me. If there’s a valid reason, we may adjust group assignments as needed.


What happens if I arrive late and miss bellwork?

If you arrive late, you might miss bellwork and will need to complete any missed work as soon as possible. Bellwork is graded daily, so try to arrive on time.


How do I ask for help if I don’t understand a class activity?

Raise your hand and wait for me to call on you. If you need further assistance, talk to me after class or during a designated time.


What if I need to use my phone for a class-related reason and it’s not allowed?

If you have a class-related reason, ask me first. Phones are only allowed when I give specific permission for their use.


What if I need to use the translator on my phone but don't know how to use it?

If you’re unsure how to use the translator, ask me for help. I can show you how to use it effectively on both your phone and the classroom computers.


What if I finish my in-class work but need more time to perfect it?

If you need extra time, request it during class. You have 2 additional days to submit the work, but there will be a 5-point deduction for lateness.


Are phones ever allowed in class?

Phones are generally not allowed unless I specifically ask you to use them for a class activity. Keep them in your bag unless directed otherwise.


What should I do if I make a mistake on my assignment but don’t have time to fix it in class?

If you’re actively working, you can submit your assignment and request an extension. You’ll have 2 days to fix and resubmit it with a 5-point deduction.


How do I handle receiving a warning or a strike?

If you receive a warning or strike, reflect on what happened and try to improve your behavior. If you feel it was unfair, you can discuss it with me respectfully.


Is it okay to stop working while using my phone as a translator?

    • No, you should not stop working while using your phone as a translator. Use it efficiently to understand the material, but continue working on your assignments and tasks without interruption.


How do I correct a mistake I see in my grade on Skyward?

Show me the evidence of the mistake and explain your concern respectfully. We’ll review it together and make the necessary corrections.


What if I need to use the bathroom during class but have already used it frequently?

If you have a medical condition or an urgent need, let me know. I may contact your parents if it seems excessive, but emergencies are always addressed.


Can I collaborate with classmates during individual assignments or bellwork?

No, individual assignments and bellwork must be completed independently. Collaboration is only allowed during group activities.


What if I can’t find the pass when I need to use the bathroom?

If you can’t find the pass, inform me immediately. You may need to wait until it’s resolved, but I will assist you in finding a solution.


What should I do if I need more time to understand something even after using a translator?

If you need more time, continue working on other parts of the assignment while you seek help. You can also ask me for further clarification or assistance as needed.


What should I do if I forget to write my name or the date on my bellwork?

If you forget to use a pencil, you’ll receive a 0 for bellwork. Always use a pencil and write your name and date to avoid this.


How do I handle a disagreement within my group?

Try to resolve the disagreement with your group members. If you can’t reach a solution, let me know so I can help mediate the situation.


What are the consequences for not following the bathroom sign-in/sign-out policy?

Not following the bathroom policy may result in a warning or a strike. Always sign in and out and take the pass with you.


How should I prepare for each class to avoid falling behind?

Come to class on time, bring all necessary materials, and be ready to participate. Follow all instructions and stay organized with your assignments and group work.


BONUS QUESTION: What is Mrs. M's favorite color?
