Project Team
Voice Level
Classroom Procedures
This is the line you stand on while you transition from place to place in the hallway
What is the pink line
This project team character stands for "Helping Others".
Who is Harper
This voice level should be used in the hallway at all times, during tests and quizzes, during transitions, during silent reading, and during Reading Plus
What is a level 0
This phrase represents the "B" in the #BTFAB
What is "Believe in Yourself"
What is the signal you use to show Mrs.M that you need to use the restroom?
What is lowercase sign language b (can make the signal)
When lining up to transition out of the classroom, students should wait for the rows to be called and transition at a level 0 - If students do not transition appropriately, what does the entire class have to do?
What is sit back down and try it again
This project team character stands for leadership:
Who is Lamar.
This voice level should be used if you are speaking to your partner or one other person
What is a Level 1
This phrase represents the "T" in the #BTFAB
What is "Treat Others the Way You Want to be Treated"
If you have a hand signal up, but your teacher is working with another student or teaching a lesson... What should you do?
What is wait or be patient
In the classroom, Mrs.McClelland will count down from 10 while you transition - Students should hold up the _______ sign when she is finished to let her know you are listening
What is the Project Team sign or All In sign
If you shout-out your classmates for representing Project Team, it goes in this spot in the classroom
What is the Project Team Shout-Out wall
This voice level should be used during normal conversation - when you are speaking with a teacher or talking with a peer during lunch
What is a Level 2
This phrase represents the "F" in the #BTFAB
What is "Follow Directions Quickly"
Before you leave the classroom WHAT do you NEED to do?
What is sign the "Sign Out Sheet"
Being the best group to line up quietly and transition perfectly will earn your group ______ points
What are table points
This phrase is used to show teachers, principals, and classmates that students are a part of project team - it also has a hand signal that goes with it
What is "We Are All in the House"
This voice level should be used if you are working in a small group - only your group members should be able to hear you
What is a Level 3
What is one way you can show #BTFAB throughout the school?
What is *multiple answers like - helping others, standing at a level 0 in the hallway, always being in uniform, listening carefully to the teachers directions, etc.
When leaving the classroom, what do you need to take with you?
What is a pass
These numbers represent your behavior expectations in the hallway
What is 0, 1, 2
This color represents 5th grade and stands for resiliency
What is purple
This voice level should be used during presentations, if you are chanting our Project Team chant, and asking and answering questions - the entire class should be able to hear
What is a Level 4
This phrase represents the last "B" in the #BTFAB
What is Be Propel Proud
If you need ANYTHING in the classroom (to leave your seat, to ask a question, to answer a question, to use the restroom, to get a drink, etc.)
What is raising your hand