This can be found by adding all of the numbers to get a total and then dividing by the number of numbers that were added.
What is Average?
This is the direction energy transfers in
What is hot to cold?
A can of soda has been in a hot car all day. The temperature of the can of soda has increased, so this is what has happened to the molecules in the can of soda.
What is move faster?
Thermal Energy
1 2 3
What is 6?
What month was Mrs. Q born in?
Who is November?
This is the type of energy that an object has because it is moving.
What is Kinetic Energy?
When objects get colder, they move _______.
What is slower?
When water freezes in a freezer, the temperature has decreased. This is what has happened to the energy of the molecules of water.
What is "They have decreased"?
1 2 3
What is 2?
What is Mrs. Quinto's dog's name?
What is Remy?
The average kinetic energy of an object
What is temperature?
Energy is not created or destroyed. Instead, it does this.
What is transfer?
Object A has 3 times more mass than Object B. Object A and B are the same temperature. Object C is colder than Object B and A. This object will increase the equilibrium temperature of Object C more when it they touch.
What is Object A?
Thermal Energy
2 7 4 8
What is 21?
When is the last day of school?
What is May 28th?
This is when something stays mostly the same over time.
What is stability?
To move from one object to another or one place to another.
What is transfer?
A hot glass of water (Container A) and a cold glass of water (Container B) were placed together. This is what happened to the temperature of each container to reach equilibrium.
What is "Container A got colder (or decreased temperature) and Container B got warmer (or increased temperature)"?
2 4 6 8
What is 5?
Where is Mrs. Q's favorite place to eat?
What is in n out?
This is the balanced state in which a system is stable, such as when two or more samples are at the same temperature.
What is equilibrium?
At _______, the temperature is the thermal energy evenly divided by the number of molecules in the system.
What is equilibrium?
You have a bowl of soup and a cup of soup? They are both the same temperature. You bring both of them to school. Which one will get cold quicker?
What is the cup of soup?
Object A has a Thermal energy of 10 and has 1 molecule. Object B has a Thermal energy of 15 and has 4 molecules. This is the temperature of the entire system (both molecules) at equilibrium?
What is 14?
Mrs. Q is less than or more than 5 feet tall?
What is less than?