When was Mother Jones born?
August 1, 1837
Did Mother Jones make an impact?
Yes, but she never met the President.
Give 5 examples of Connotation.
Any implying word would do.
What is Justin Bieber's most popular video on youtube?
Justin Bieber - Sorry (PURPOSE : The Movement)
What is she known for?
As a Fiery orator and fearless organizer for the Mine Workers during the first two decades of the 20th century.
How did she make an impact?
She brought national attention to child labor.
Why is connotation useful?
Understanding the connotations of words can enhance description, meaning, and tone.
What is the most popular video on youtube.
Baby Shark
Did she ever meet with the president?
No, she went to meet her but he wouldn't see her.
Where did Mother Jones march to for 3 weeks?
Sagamore hill
What is connotation?
Connotation is the implied meaning of a word beyond its literal, surface-level definition.
What is Romans middle name?
When did Mother Jones die?
November 30th, 1930
What year did the factory children gain better rights?
Fair Labor Standards Act in 1938 was passed.
What emotion does connotation imply?
Any emotion the author wants it to.
What is Patrick's middle name?
How long did she march to meet with the President?
She marched three weeks to meet the President.
How many workers died per year in factories?
Who invented connotation?
Connotation, distinction of meaning introduced by John Stuart Mill.
When did Will Smith slap Chris Rock?
March 27th 2022.