The inverted U ties the relationship between energy activation and this
What we may miss if we think with over rigidly patterns
Speak up!
Mind reading
Above our surface of awareness, what we can easily "tune in" to
Heat of The Moment Thought
When we notice evidence that fits our thoughts and beliefs and miss evidence that contradicts our thoughts and beliefs
Velcro Effects
Goldie Locks (or something like that) once said "this zone is too low energy, that zone is too high energy, this zone is juuust right"
Individual Zone of Optimal Functioning
The Mother of All Thinking Traps, all thinking traps carry a part of this thinking trap within them
Jumping to Conclusions
Look outward
Me, me, me
A set of rules that I think i should live by, things people should and shouldnt do, that might effect my emotional reaction
What caused the problem? Keyword: Why
Step 2
This strategy allows me to think positive about an event, and drives positive emotions from it
Proactive ATC
Believing you are the sole cause
"I missed a free throw after we have been losing this whole game...its all my fault!"
Me, me, me
Look inward
Them, them, them
An observational or perceptional thought, usually signified by is/am/are, that may effect my emotions and reactions to an event
What can you do about it? Keyword(s): Positive Change
Step 6
Help! I am in this physical state where I have decreased digestion, faster breathing, and increased energy activation
Fight or flight
Believing that other people or circumstances are the sole cause of every problem you encounter
Them, them, them
Get specific
Everything, everything, everything
When your emotions and reactions confuse or surprise you
T-C Disconnect
What did you miss? Keyword: Flexibility
This strategy allows us to look at our physical state changes prior to a performance and have deliberate thoughts on how those physical changes set us up to perform
Effective Interpretation of Physical Reactions
Believing that negative events are unchangeable and that you have little to no control over them
"I failed a test...I will never be an NCO!"
Always, always, always
Grab control
Always, always, always
When your response explains why you reacted the way you did
the "aha" moment
What really caused the problem? Keyword(s): Clarity and Control
Step 5