Coping Skills
Thought Distortions
True or False?

This coping skill involves finding different colors around you. 

What is (rainbow) grounding?


"My mom is always yelling and never listens to me!"

What is all-or-nothing thinking?
What is black and white thinking?


True or False?
Coping skills should only be used when you're struggling with a big emotion

False! You should practice coping skills consistently :)


This type of boundary includes rules for your body and personal space. 

What are physical boundaries?


When someone is using this type of communication, they might not make good eye contact, speak very quietly, and may not set boundaries. 

What is passive communication?


This coping skills requires counting while you breath in, hold your breath, and breath out, each for 4 seconds. 

What is box breathing?


"She didn't smile at me, so I know she's mad at me"

What is mind reading?
What is jumping to conclusions?
What is personalization?


True or False?
Mental health is a journey, not a destination. 

True! Your mental health will fluctuate and as you grow so will your needs. 


This type of boundaries includes rules for your things (like your phone, your money, and your supplies). 

What are material boundaries?


Body language, eye contact, and facial expressions are all types of this form of commuincation. 

What is nonverbal communication?


This coping skill requires you to imagine various images, including letting go of stress or picturing your happy place. 

What is visualization?


"I missed 3 shots during tryouts, so I'm never going to make the team!"

What is catastrophizing?


True or False?
Therapy is primarily for people who have been through trauma. 

False! Therapy is for anyone and everyone!


These boundaries are set to explain what words you are and are not okay with. 

What are verbal boundaries?


This kind of communication includes sarcasm. It happens when your words don't match what you mean. 

What is passive aggressive communication?


This coping skill involves going through your various muscles, tightening and relaxing them one by one. 

What is Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR)?


"I didn't workout yesterday, so I'm just lazy"

What is labeling?


True or False?
You can't do anything to help someone struggling with their mental health as a teenager. 

False! You can always be a support to someone struggling. This could be listening to them vent, doing something fun with them, or helping to connect them to a mental health professional. 


Setting these boundaries will help you maintain a healthy school-life balance. 

What are time boundaries?


This lie happens when you leave out some of the truth. 

What is a lie of omission?


This type of coping skill can be done without using materials or talking to someone else. 

What are internal coping skills?


"I feel like a failure, so it must be true"

What is emotional reasoning?


True or False?
You can always tell if someone is struggling with a mental illness. 

False! Some people mask their struggles, but it doesn't mean that they are okay - you can always ask if you're not sure. 


Setting this kind of boundary includes walking away from a relationship when someone is abusive or manipulative. 

What are emotional boundaries?


This kind of communication includes making eye contact and using clear language

What is assertive communication?