He was graceful like a gazelle.
The dew on the grass made my running shoes damp. It didn't bother me. The sound of my feet hitting the street formed a rhythm, a steady pattern of light thumps. I timed my breathing with the rhythm. These sounds filled my head. I thought of nothing other than the next step and keeping my tempo. I soared over the sidewalks like concrete clouds.
First person
Very old stories. Has magical/imaginary creatures and events. "Once upon a time"
Fairy Tale
What does the acronym PIES stand for?
Persuade, Inform, Entertain, Share a person experience
The message that the author is trying to express.
Daniel's dog, Daisy, is drinking dirty water.
If you are confused about something in class, don't wait. Raise your hand and ask for help immediately. Do it while your teacher is still explaining the material. Your teacher will probably be happy that you are taking an active part in your education and should attempt to explain the material in a different way. If you are still confused, ask your teacher if he or she is available after class to give you additional instruction. You are worth it. Don't give up on yourself.
Second Person
Very old stories. May have gods and goddesses.
Exercise is great for you. It makes your body strong. It can put you in a better mood. You will feel happy and calm. When you exercise, you are being active. You are moving your body in some way. Many people do not get enough exercise. Do you?
To Persuade
The writer’s attitude toward the subject matter or audience of a literary work.
Please, do not beep your horn at me.
The parade marched down the street. It was led by a caped drummer. He set a stately pace and tapped the accompanying rhythm. A marching band followed behind him, matching his pace. Behind the band were floats of all sizes and designs. Children and adults were riding on the floats, tossing out penny candies, streamers, and plastic prizes. The street was lined with people. The noises of revelry filled the streets.
Third person Objective
an account of a person's life written by that person
Brad could not believe what was happening! A large, silver spaceship floated down from the sky and landed in his front yard. The spaceship’s large door slid open and two odd-looking aliens emerged. They were holding a large map. One alien was pointing at the map and yelling at the other alien.
To Entertain
How the reader FEELS about the story or reaction.
Life is a journey.
Suzie applied the lipstick to her lips. She had never done this before. She smacked her lips like she had seen other women do in the movies and looked in the mirror. She felt unsure about what she saw. She turned to her friend Donna and asked, "How do I look?" Donna gasped and said, "You look breathtaking, Suzie." Suzie smiled. She was grateful for these words, even though she didn't believe them.
Third Person Limited
Mix of humans and monsters in it, magical beings or ghost. It can NOT happen in real life. EX. Harry Potter book series
Fantasy Fiction
The redwood trees of California are among the oldest living things on Earth. In fact, some of these trees may be more than 2,000 years old. In addition to being the oldest trees on the planet, they are also the tallest. Some of these trees grow to 300 feet.
To Inform
The main character of a story. Makes key decisions that affect the plot, primarily influencing the story and propelling it forward, and is often the character who faces the most significant obstacles.
The girl's constant drama only added fuel to the fire.
April opened the escape hatch. She was afraid to jump, but she realized that the airship was sinking. She looked at Vince, who was strapping on his parachute. Vince locked eyes with her and then he realized the error in his conduct. "I'm sorry, April. That was ungentlemanly of me. Let me help you with yours." He proceeded to attach the other parachute to April's back. This made him feel a little better.
Third person Omniscient
Usually has talking animals. often used to teach a lesson, or might explain how an event happened. Aesop was a famous writer in this genre.
My family moved across the country when I was a teenager. I had to start a new school in a new town. I didn’t know anyone, and I was too shy to say hello. But then one day Annie came over to me and introduced herself. Before long, she and I became best friends.
To Share a Personal Experience
The time and place a story takes place.