Choose the larger unit of measure:
1 metre or 1 centimetre
What is 1 metre?
There are _ seconds in 1 minute.
What is 60?
Define perimeter
What is the distance (length) around a shape?
This organ in the human body is responsible for pumping blood throughout the body.
What is the heart?
What is the name of the fairy known for her magical abilities and shimmering wings?
Who is Tinker Bell?
Choose the second LARGEST unit of measure:
m, mm, cm, km
What is m?
There are _ hours in 1 day.
What is 24?
A square has one side length of 2 cm. The other side lengths are each : _ cm
What is 2 cm?
This nocturnal mammal is known for its ability to hang upside down.
What is a bat?
SpongeBob SquarePants, This animated series is set in which fictional underwater city?
What is Bikini Bottom?
2 m = _ cm
What is 200 cm?
Weston says the time is half past 2. It is _:_
What is 2:30?
A rectangle has one side length of 5 m and one of 1 m. The total perimeter is: _ m
What is 12 m?
Stretching thousands of miles, it was built to protect Chinese states against invasions.
What is the Great Wall of China?
Originating from Mexico, this dish is made with a corn tortilla filled with various ingredients such as meat, beans, cheese, and vegetables, and is typically topped with salsa and guacamole.
What are tacos?
9.6 cm = _ mm
What is 96 mm?
Madelyn says it is a quarter past 12. The time is _:_
What is 12:15?
A square shaped plot of land has a total perimeter of 16 km. The side lengths are _ km each.
What is 4 km?
What is the name of the closest star to the Earth?
What is the sun?
What is the largest continent by land area?
What is Asia?
82 km = _ m
What is 8200 m?
Krystal says it is a quarter to 5. The time is _:_
What is 4:45?
A regular hexagon has a total perimeter of 42 cm. Each side length is _ cm.
What is 7 cm?
What planet is known as the “Red Planet”?
This insect is known for its ability to produce light through bioluminescence.
What is a firefly?