Middle School Science
Middle School History
Middle School ELA
Middle School Math

What are the three states of matter?

Solid, liquid, and gas


What are known as "The Three Sisters"?

Corn, Bean and Squash. The Iroquois and the Cherokee planted them together for their symbiotic nourishment. 


Select the adjective(s) in the following sentence:

"The neighborhood was comprised of large mansions and tiny houses."

Large, Tiny


Sarah has $1.75 in her bank account.  Christian has $19.85 less than Sarah in his account.  How much money does Christian have?



What is the snowman's name in Frozen and what does he love to give/receive?

Olaf; warm hugs


What is an invasive species?

An invasive species is a plant or animal that is not native to an area and causes problems


Name two events that helped lead to the Civil War and why.

Acceptable Answers include The Compromise of 1850, moral debate over slavery/states rights, industrialization of the North, “Bleeding Kansas,” Election of Lincoln (1860), Fort Sumter


What type of Figurative language is the sentence...

"The snow is a white blanket."



Evaluate the expression below.

    ¾ x -6 ÷ (-⅘ ÷ -⅖)

-9/4 or -2.25


Which fictional detective lived at 221b baker street?

Sherlock Holmes


What is the name of the tiny, thread-like structures that carry genetic information in cells?

DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid).


What does the term "Manifest Destiny" mean? Why is it important in American history?

Manifest Destiny was a “god given” right to go west. It was used to justify westward expansion and taking over indigenous people’s lands.


What is an antonym of the word "beneficial"

Harmful, etc.


A car mechanic is paid a consistent rate for completing oil changes on cars.  Last month, he changed the oil on "C" cars and earned "X" dollars for that work.  He recorded the relationship between oil changes and his earnings with the equation below.

960C = 120X

At that rate, how much is he paid to change the oil for one car?



Which English King has 6 wives?

King Henry VIII


What is the name of the largest moon of Saturn?



Who were Lewis and Clark commissioned by? What was their purpose?

Lewis & Clark were explorers commissioned by Thomas Jefferson to explore the Louisiana Territory after it had been purchased from France.


What is alliteration? Give an example.

The occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words. Example: The soft swan sang sweetly


At Washington Elementary School, there are 3 teachers for every 72 students.  How many teachers would the school need if there are 408 students?

17 students


What are the different types of school you can go to after high school? (Name at least 3)

College, community college, trade school, cosmetology school, vocational training, culinary school, etc.


What natural disaster destroyed the city of Pompeii in 79 A.D.?

A volcanic eruption / volcano


What is the Bill of Rights? What is its purpose?

The Bill of Rights is the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution. It outlines people’s rights and liberties or the things the government cannot interfere with. It was added because anti-federalists were afraid of the federal government becoming too strong.


What is the definition of the italicized word? 

"Most countries proscribe terrorist organizations."

Forbid, outlaw, denounce, condemn, ban

Catherine paid the electrician "X" dollars per hour for a 5-hour job plus $70 for parts.  The total charge was $320. Write an equation that can be used to determine how much the electrician charged per hour.

5x + 70 = 320


What is the largest river in Asia? 

Yangtze River