Attention Getters
Getting Attention

What do you say when Ms. Cabelli says "Class Class"

"Yes Yes"


How do we get attention if we need something in class.

Raise your hand and wait patiently.


Name the steps of properly going to get water.

1. Raise a sign language W

2. Get permission from Ms. Cabelli

3. Drink water from the fountain in the room.


What does WIN stand for, and what do you use WIN tickets for?



Win tickets are used for literally anything you need from Ms. Cabelli


What do you say when Ms. Cabelli says "Bum Ba Da Bum Bum"

"Bum Bum"


How do we ask for water in class.

Sign language W

Where does work get turned into?

The proper subject turn-in tray unless otherwise told by Ms. Cabelli.

Sometimes Ms. Cabelli will ask that you turn it in elsewhere, like your mailbox.


What are the rules for lining up and what are the consequences for not lining up properly.

Rules: Line up quickly and quietly in a straight, 4th grade line.

Consequences: We will re-do it as many times as it takes. 


What do you say when Ms. Cabelli says "Waterfall!"



How do we ask to go to the bathroom?

Sign language R.


Name the steps to properly borrow a book from Ms. Cabelli's library.

1. Find your book.

2. Sign out the book with your ID and the book's ID.

3. Enjoy the book.

4. Sign the book back in with your ID and the book's ID.

5. Return the book to it's spot on bookshelf.


Name all of the different class rewards we have.

Individual- Punch Cards for rewards box

Table Team- Table Points

Whole Class- Fill the ghost


When can Ms. Cabelli use a call-and-response to get students' attention?

Literally any time because she is the queen.


When is it okay to interrupt the teacher?

If someone is bleeding or dying, there is a natural disaster, the world is ending, we are in mortal peril.


Name all of the steps to properly go to the restroom.

1. Raise a sign language R

2. Get permission from Ms. Cabelli

3. Sign out on the check-out sheet.

4. Grab the bathroom pass

5. Go to the restroom through the back door.

6. Return to class and check back in/return the bathroom pass.


When is it okay and not okay to take a break.

Okay- When you are done with your work, When we are playing a game

Not Okay- In the middle of a whole-group lesson, When you have a lot of unfinished work, When someone else is taking a break


Name all of the steps a student must do once Ms. Cabelli calls for student attention.

Freeze what they're doing regardless of what it is.

Be silent.

Eyes on the teacher.

Listen for information.


What is the wrong way to ask for attention?

By going to Ms. Cabelli and asking for something without her say it is okay (ex. randomly coming up instead of raising hands). 


Name all of the steps of our morning routine.

1. Hang your backpack.

2. Take any materials out of your backpack and put them on your desk/turn them in.

3. Do your hot/cold lunch for attendance.

4. Start morning work on the board.


What are the 3 possible consequences you can receive?

1. Reflections

2. Paragraphs

3. Restitutions