People of the Bible
Books of the Bible
Bible Scriptures
Miscellaneous 1
Miscellaneous 2

Jacob had twelve sons. One night Jacob had a dream about one of his sonś who had a colorful coat and his brothers became jealous of him. Who was this son?



What is the First and Last Book of the Bible?

Genesis & Revelation


What famous Bible Verse Did Jesus quake to Nicodemus. Bonus Points for reciting what the verse says.

John 3:16 For God so Loved the World that he gave his only son that whoever believes in him, shall not parish, but have eternal life. 


Name at least 2 Themes we’ve had through out the year (This could be either Sunday School or Wednesday Night Live)

Answers Could Vary


What war did Jeremiah warn his people about, AND that Nehiamiah helped build back the walls after.

Babylonian War


Which three People went into the fiery furnace? Did they come out of it ok?

Shadrach, Meshach & Abendigo


Which books do “Go Eat Popcorn” stand for?

Galations, Ephesians, & Philippians


What does the scripture from Jeremiah 29:11 say? And from whose story did we hear about it.

¨For I Know the Plans, I Have for you, says the Lord. Plans to Prosper you, and Not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. We heard about this from Jeremiahś Story


What happens during Holy Week? Why is it so important?

Jesus Rides a Donkey through Jerusalem while Everyone waves Palms, The Last Supper, Jesus is arrested, Jesus is Crucified & Died. Easter - Jesus Rose Again


Which Disciple doubted Jesus when Jesus went to see the twelve disciples after he resurrected.



Because Ruth stayed with Naomi, her mother in law, after Ruthś first husband died. What did the Lord bless her with. 

Bonus Question. Why is this so important to Jesus or What is significant about this? 

The Lord blessed her with her husband, Boaz. This is significant, because Ruth and Boaz are descendants of King David, who´s relatives include, Jesus.


What are the first four books of the New Testament?

Matthew, Mark, Luke & John


In Matthew 28: 19 - 20, Jesus told all the disciples this, before ascending into Heaven. What was it?

Go and make disciples of all nations


Name 3 things that Moses did or that God helped Moses with?

Answers Could Vary


Which follower of Jesus was tortured and beheaded for spreading the Good News. Bonus Question. How was he related to Jesus?

John the Baptist. He was Jesus´ Cousin


Which Person of the Bible wrestled with God & why?

Jacob, because he needed his brother’s forgiveness


How Many Testaments are in the Bible and what are they?


The Old Testament 

The New Testament


In John 16:33, it says, Ï have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome this world.¨ Whose story do we hear this scripture from?



What was the event called when the people of Egypt put a Red X on their door? What happens if you don’t have a red X on your door?

Pass Over. If there’s not a red X, they smite the first born.


Who did Joshua protect when the Isrealites battled the walls of Jericho?



What test did God give Abraham? Was God going to let him go through with it? What was the Lesson?

God told Abraham to sacrifice Issac, his son. No, God wasn´t going to go through with it. The lesson was God wanted to know that Abraham was faithful.


How did the book of judges come to be? 

Bonus Question. Name 2 of the Judges?

Once Joshua died, Godś people forgot about God and began to disobey him. God directed leaders to be judges to help the people turn back to God.

Bonus. Answers Could Vary


What book of the Bibles is the story of Moses in?



Which book of the Bible did Ms. Carrie mispronounce the WHOLE entire year last year? Bonus. How did Ms. Carrie pronounce it.


NeHE Miah


How did Esau betray Jacob? Did Esau forgive Jacob?

Esau took Jacobś blessing that their father gave to him. Yes, Esau forgave Jacob.