Fractions are fair as long as they are equivalent!
How does 6/12 compare to 1/2
6/12 = 1/2 Equivalent
5/9, 11/9, 2/9
2/9 < 5/9 < 11/9
I can multiply the numerator by two and get the denominator
I can divide the denominator by two and get the numerator
2/3, 1/2, 3/4
1/2 < 2/3 < 3/4
How does 40/20 compare to 1/2
40/20 is greater than 1/2
9/6, 2/3, 5/12
5/12 < 2/3 < 9/6
Complete the sentence: I know a fraction is less than 1/2 when...
the numerator (top number) is less than half of the denominator (bottom number)
9/12, 10/20, 3/16, 5/4
3/16 < 10/20 < 9/12 < 5/4
Complete the sentence: I know a fraction is greater than to 1/2 when...
the numerator (top number) is more than half the denominator (bottom number).
6/8, 3/5, 7/6, 1/2, 2/13
2/13 < 1/2 < 3/5 < 6/8 < 7/6