Story Elements
Figurative Language
The reason behind character's actions. For example, "Why did Erin leave Chicago so abruptly?"
What is motivation?
The three parts of a words that have their own meanings (of Latin or Greek origin).
What are prefixes, root words, and suffixes?
Devin came home to find that his dog was missing. He looked everywhere and found the back gate was open. What happened to his dog?
What is Devin left the gate open and the dog ran away.
What is the organization pattern that occurs first, second, third...?
What is chronological?
Identify the figurative language: Chicago, proud city with big shoulders.
What is personification?
Identify the character traits: David got fired from his last two jobs because he was constantly late and did not try his best. A coworker even claimed to have seen him taking money from the cash register.
What is greedy, lazy, sneaky, and dishonest? (sample answers)
What is flex?
The salt trucks had been out clearing the streets all night, but Judy's mom still wanted to leave early since there might be traffic and dangerous driving conditions. What season is it?
What is winter?
Eric arrived shortly after Jeff. They ordered chocolate cake while they waited for Sabrina and Jodi. However, the girls were late so the boys paid and left. What happened first?
What is Jeff arrived, then Eric arrived?
Identify the figurative language: Every image she sees is even more inventive.
What is alliteration of the letter sound e/i?
Identify the genre: Angelina's father was speaking to the other men about the last battle. She walked down the staircase quietly with her candle, taking care not to step on her skirt bottoms and trip.
What is Historical Fiction?
What is the correct definition for the capitalized word? The air force had to GROUND many planes due to the violent weather.
What is to land and keep from flying?
Ms. Waldrop came back into the room and found her board had been erased. She had an idea. "Who wants to go to recess?" Everyone raised their hands. She knew it was Alison. How did she know it was Alison?
What is Alison's hands had marker on them.
Which sentence does not belong? (A) The zoo is my favorite place to visit in the summer. (B) The penguins are my favorite animals to see. (C) The zoo's ice cream stand is always so delicious. (D) Many people do not care for the monkeys because their habitats smell.
What is (D)?
What mood does the alliteration create? Stacy sneered when she slid past the sleeping children.
What is scary, sneaky, creepy, and evil? (sample answers)
Identify the conflict: Crystal and Kelly used to be best friends. On Monday, Crystal saw Kelly cheating in her favorite teacher's class. Crystal was torn between telling Mr. Carpenter or confronting her ex-best friend.
What is internal conflict: person vs. self?
Use context clues to unlock the CAPITALIZED word: The students felt REVERENCE toward the football captain who stood up for the kid who was getting bullied in front of the whole school.
What is deep respect?
Kevin is getting ready for work. He dresses in all white, grabs his tarp and brushes, and gets into his truck for his first appointment. What is Kevin's job?
What is a painter?
What is the most likely effect? Lauren fell asleep at the beach for three hours. She was not wearing any sunscreen.
What is she will get sunburned?
Explain the metaphor: Her eyes are bursting clouds.
What is the girl is bursting out in tears and is extremely upset.
Identify the climax: James sped up to catch up with the creatures. He was very close when he heard strange noises. His ship was out of fuel. He radioed his army's base for help.
What is when his ship was out of fuel.
What is the ANTONYM of the CAPITALIZED word? The girls LANGUIDLY put on their jackets as if they had no energy at all.
What is energetic? (sample answer)
They had started hiking at 1 pm and stopped to rest every 3 hours. Finally, they set up their tent and sat around the campfire to toast marshmallows. What might Archy be able to see if he looked at the sky?
What are stars?
The gangsters committed crimes and were sentenced to life in prison.
What is cause and effect?
Identify the literary device: Joe was expelled from New York University for being disrespectful to the principal. Twenty years later, he became a famous painter, and the same principal called him to paint her picture for the university's master hallway.
What is situational irony?