The expectation that starts with a "U"
What is Unity?
Name one friend in our class who likes to play the drums.
Who is Jack?
What sport do most friends play in my class?
What is socceer?
Our mascot is a....
Who is a Bobcat?
Answer yes or no: Ms. Criego has two orange cats?
The 3 expectations that start with "P" and 2 "R's"
Name 3 friends who always choose to "Act it out" during our UA group time.
Either Emily, Jack, Julie, Lyla, etc.
What book is the Hot Air Balloon art based on?
Who is Dr. Seuss?
True or False: Thursday is a minimum day?
Ms. Criego is right handed? True or False
The person who is our current Calendar helper?
Who is Rex?
Name 4 friends who usually choose "Draw it out" during UA group time.
Mahrie, Rex, Micah, Joshua, Emma, Victoria, Rose, etc.
Name all of the friends who sit at table 3 without looking (close eyes).
Who is Luca, Rosalyn, Micah, Emma, Shareef, Josiah, and Xavior.
Name all of the 3rd grade teachers.
Mrs. Kiss, Mrs. Eberle, Mrs. Zajicek, and Mrs. Rubio
Ms. Criego plays 2 instruments, can you name the 2?
What is a guitar and Piano?
The current person who is my TA.
Who is Emily?
Which subject do we usually do after last recess.
What is science? (Mystery Science)
Name 7 different sports/activities that your classmates do (not including yourself).
Emma-Dance, Rsoalyn-Dance, Micah/Mahrie/Rex/Shareef/Luca, Nathanael, etc. Soccer
Xavior-Golf, Josiah/Andrea/Skyler-Art, Jack-Drums/Acting, Emily-Acting, Aubrey/Lily-Softball, Lyla/Sarah-Sing, Josh-Art/writing, etc.
Name 10 teachers at Edison
*Named at least 10 teachers
Ms.Criego's first name.
Name 2 responsibilities of the class TA, The Librarian, and the board helper.
Passes out papers, calls tables, collects books, gives table points, etc.
How many parents went on our field trip to the Orthodontist?
Lily's Mom, Rex's Mom, and Micah's Mom.
Name every student in the class while you close your eyes.
*Named all 26 kids.
The name of Mrs. Covarrubias' daughter
Which jobs did Ms. Criego have before working here?
What is Think-Together/After-School Programs?