Your Work
Our Class
Classroom Procedures
Mixed Bag

What should you do with work that you have not finished?

What is put it in your folder to save for later?

How often does Ms. Day change class jobs?

What is once a quarter?


What will Ms. Day give you if she notices you working extra hard and following instructions?

What is class cash or Bilbray badge?


How do you know what your homework is each night?

What is you write it in your planner?


What room number is Ms. Day?

What is 73?


Where should you turn in classwork/homework?

What is the turn in basket?


What should you do if you find an item at school that does not belong to you?

What is give it to Ms. Day or turn in to "Lost and Found"


What does Ms. Day sell that is a surprise reward for the student? (Switch seats with a friend, snacks in class, piece of candy, etc.)

What is a scratch off ticket?


What happens if Ms. Day has already given you a verbal warning and we continue to make a bad choice?

What is a mark in our planner or a phone call home?


When can I return a library book?

What is during library or WIN?


What should you do if you are struggling to complete your work, even though you are trying your very best?

What is ask Ms. Day for help?


How do you check out a book from Ms. Day's library?

What is check the book out from the library using the sign out sheet? Then, make sure to RETURN the book and sign it back in!


How much do you get paid for getting your planner signed weekly?

What is $20?


What voice level should we be at during a test? (0,1,2,3)

What is 0?


What social studies project is worth 90% of your grade?

What is Great American?


What will happen if you turn in work that does not have your name on it?

What is the trash?


What is the first things you should do when you enter the classroom?

What is come in quietly, hang up your backpack, and take your supplies out?

What happens when your group earns 20 table points?

What is lunch with Ms. Day and a pizza?

What is the signal for going to the restroom?

What is fingers crossed?


What does CHAMPS stand for?

What is Conversation, Help, Activity, Movement, Participation, Success?


What happens if you do not complete your classwork/homework?

What is... your grade will suffer and a mark in your planner?


What happens if I keep all 5 of my pencils until the end of the week?

You get $10 class cash!


What does your class receive for great behavior in specials?

What are Bilbray Bucks?


How many students are allowed to leave for the bathroom at once?

What is one boy and one girl?


What is our goal as a class for Bilbray Bucks and school rewards?

What is to earn enough Bilbray Bucks to get every prize on the chart?