This is conflict that takes place in a characters mind.
What is internal conflict?
How does Rainsford end up on the island? (Do not need to answer in Jeopardy format)
He swims to it after accidentally falling overboard.
Definition: Able to be touched. Futile, affable or tangible
What is tangible?
Why does Zaroff become bored with hunting? (Do not need to answer in Jeopardy format)
He states that animal are too easy to hunt because they use their instincts, but man uses reason so it is a more challenging hunt.
This is a struggle between a character and his feelings, conscious or fears.
What is man vs. self?
Definition: A great disaster or complete failure. Debacle, quarry or condone.
What is debacle?
Why is the island called "Ship-Trap" Island? (Do not need to answer in Jeopardy format)
Ships come in, but never return. They are "trapped" by the island.
Definition: Having or showing a lack of experience or knowledge. Innocent or simple. Affable, condone or naive.
What is naive.
How does Zaroff stock his island with "game"? (Do not need to answer in Jeopardy format)
Zaroff stocks his island with the remnants of shipwrecks of which he usually plays a part in. He shines a light down a channel filled with razor sharp rocks and lets the survivors come to him.
To approve of something most disapprove of. Debacle, condone or naive.
What is condone?
Definition: An animal or person being hunted. Debacle, swamp, quarry.
What is quarry?
How did Whitney's feelings about hunting differ from Rainsford's? (Do not need to answer in Jeopardy format)
Whitney felt bad for the animals; Rainsford did not.
What is a "sloop"?
What is a boat.
Why does Zaroff prefer to hunt humans over animals? (Do not need to answer in Jeopardy format)
Hunting men who can reason is more of a challenge than hunting animals.
Definition: Able to be felt or touched. Palpable, condone or futile.
What is palpable?
Random!!! What can we infer about General Zaroff, knowing that he killed the Cape buffalo despite the fact that he had a fractured skull? (Do not need to answer in Jeopardy format)
He is a tough and skilled hunter who seems to live for the hunt.
What can we infer about Rainsford based on how he handles himself in a crisis? (Do not need to answer in Jeopardy format)
He is experienced, and has faced crisis in his life before. We know this because he remains calm and level-headed.
Feeling or showing strong and energetic support for a person, cause, etc. Palpable, zealous, or amenity.
What is zealous?
How does the story end? (Do not need to answer in Jeopardy format)
Rainsford tricks Zaroff by making him think he jumped to his death, hides in Zaroff's bedroom, and Zaroff then gives his life up to his killer hounds.
Definition: Something that makes life easier or more pleasant. Affable, debacle or amenity.
What is amenity?
Definition: Useless, hopeless. Futile, zealous or quarry.
What is futile?
What does Rainsford mean when he says "I am still a beast at bay"? (Do not need to answer in Jeopardy format)
Rainsford meant that he was not finished, he had not won the game until Zaroff had died. he was warning the general, because he was still ready to keep up the fight until Zaroff was dead.
Definition: Friendly and easy to talk to. Naive, affable or palpable.
What is affable?
What is the MAIN type of conflict do we see in TMDG?
What is man vs. man?
RANDOM!!! This is the score of this year's Rye vs. Harrison game.
What is 24-13. Rye WINS!!