Is food allowed in Ms. Foster's classroom when it is NOT snack time?
No, food is only allowed during snack time from 9:00-9:05
I need colored markers. Where can I find them?
The white cart - drawer labeled markers.
Where does my class go at the end of my time with Ms. Foster?
Mr. Hughes (51), Outside/Home (54)
Who is in charge of putting companion books and composition notebooks away?
The Group Leader
How can I check out books from Ms. Foster's classroom library?
Ask Ms. Foster at an appropriate time.
What is the first thing I should do when I enter the room in the morning?
Line up in the back by your number order.
What is Ms. Foster's mailbox for?
For items that she will look at at the end of the day from the front office or notes from us.
Is it okay to stop for supplies on your way to your desk after Ms. Foster has dismissed you to your seats?
No. Please wait to grab supplies until you have sat down and asked Ms. Foster.
If your caddy is messy at the end of class, who cleans it up?
EVERYONE in the group
Which group grabs their companion books/composition books first?
Group 1 grabs them first
Where do I put my gloves, hats, and jackets?
Extra clothing will stay in your backpack.
If I forgot to charge my computer at home what do I do?
Ask Ms. Foster to plug it into the charging cart. She will then get you one to borrow for the day.
At the end of class, what do we do with our nametags?
Carefully flip them over for the next class.
How can my group earn points?
Staying organized, being respectful, being prepared, and participating.
Where do I put completed assignments and papers?
The turn in basket.
How do I respond when Ms. Foster says Hands and Eyes?
You say Hands and Eyes back, and model these words.
When am I allowed to use the dry erase markers in my caddy?
Only on white boards and only when Ms. Foster said we are allowed to use them.
Where do I go and what do I do when I first enter the classroom?
Stand by your number in the back of the classroom, silently.
If my group gets the most points at the end of the week, what is our reward?
Running Friday morning meeting!
Where is the JET Store located?
By the front office
What are the two things I need to do when I go to and come back from the bathroom?
Click the light and time out/in
If I use something from Ms. Foster's room, where do I put it when I am done?
Put it back where it belongs!
What does each letter of a SHARP line stand for?
Stand silently
Hands by your sides
Attention forward
Right behind the person in front of you
Proper spacing
If my group gets the most points at the end of the month, what is our reward?
$20 Jet Bucks each
If I want to sit on the reading bench, what do I have to do first?
Ask Ms. Foster and pay her $2 Jet Bucks, if no one is already sitting there.