What should students do if they have a question?
Raise your Hand.
True or False. It is okay to run in the hallway if you are trying to catch up to the class.
How often should students charge their Chromebooks?
Every day!
Where are extra classroom supplies?
In the black drawers by the BENQ
What do I do when I arrive at school?
Recess or breakfast. The first bell rings at 7:55. At that time you should be preparing to get lined up on the basketball courts. If you are at breakfast, breakfast ends at the 8:05 bell. By 8:10, you are in your seat and working on "do now"
What should you do when you enter the classroom?
write in your agenda, gather materials, work on "do now"
What do you do if you walk past a classroom and see someone you know and want to say hello?
Keep walking and stay quiet because you are in the hall
What do I do when I need to use the restroom and when do I ask?
During WIN time, lunch/recess, or independent work time. Move your magnet. Go quickly.
How do students EARN visas or Mustangs?
Helping peers above and beyond, helping others without being asked, being kind continuously
True or false: If something at recess happens, you should wait and talk to your teacher about it.
False, recess issues should be handled immediately and by a teachers at recess.
What is one way you can contribute to class discussions?
Stay on topic, talk to my shoulder partner, share strategies, and use math sentence stems
Why is it important to walk quietly in the hallway?
So you donĀ“t disturb other classes or people working in the office.
How do I keep track of my assignments?
Use your agenda. Write what is DUE and use it at home to complete your work!
Why do I lose visas?
Misbehaving, rude, chewing gum, not reaching goals, not completing assignments, and the list goes on
How should the classroom look at dismissal?
Clean floors, trash cans in the hall, chromebooks in the cart and charged, supplies put away
What do I do if I am absent?
Go to the absent bin, check the calendar for assignments, check the date folder for paper assignments, go to math book and get homework
When walking in the hallway, keep your ________ to yourself and walk on the ________ side of the hallway.
When walking in the hallway, keep your hands to yourself and walk on the right side of the hallway.
Give two examples of ways to show the teacher or another student respect?
Answers can vary!
Are absent or suspended students still expected to complete assignments?
Yes - even if a student is absent (for any reason), they are still expected to complete the assignments. All work is posted on Google classroom.
When are you allowed you leave the classroom at dismissal?
When your dismissal group has been called. You MUST wait by your seat.
How do we show respect and kindness to our classmates. Even during a disagreement
Answers may vary. Ms. Gale decides if you get the points :)
How should students travel to and from lunch/recess?
Students should walk (not run) with their class to and from lunch and recess. When it is time to line up, you LINE UP! Students should keep voices off and hands to themselves.
What should a student do if he/she has completed their assignment for the day?
1. Complete missing assignments
2. IXL or MyPath
3. AR Read independently
Where is our turn in bin and science notebook bins?
On the shelf by the sink
What must be done before our class can exit the classroom at dismissal?
Gathered our things, stacked our chairs, cleaned the classroom, completed our jobs, stand by our seat while we wait for our dismissal group