*high interest; excitement
A. shattered
B. reassuring
C. enthusiasm
D. inseparable
- enthusiasm
* moved by twisting
a. persevere
b. wriggled
c. radically
d. shattered
* encouraging; helpful
a. ironic
b. melodic
c. retired
d. supportive
* no longer working
a. persevere
b. quell
c. retired
d. tired
* unable to be split into pieces
a. quarters
b. indivisible
c. shattered
d. crinkled
- indivisible
* never apart
A. shattered
B. inseparable
C. encompass
D. reassuring
* felt a prickling sensation; felt excitement
a. quell
b. encompass
c. indivisible
d. tingled
*planned actions for a specific purpose
a. tactics
b. tolerate
c. shattered
d. revolutionary
* wrinkled or creased
a. wriggled
b. crinkled
c. smashed
d. indivisible
* new
a. retired
b. tolerate
c. revolutionary
d. inseperable
*broken into many pieces
A. quell
B. tingled
C. trembled
D. shattered
* living spaces; a place to stay
a. quarters
b. tactics
c. ironic
d. apartments
* do something despite of discouragement
a. enthusiasm
b. embodies
c. persevere
d. melodic
- persevere
* shakes slightly
a. loamy
b. tactics
c. rattle
d. trembles
* in an extreme way
a. radically
b. retired
c. revolutionary
d. respectful
- radically
*giving comfort and support
A. reassuring
B. tolerate
C. retired
D. conscientious
* allow, accept, put up with
a. reassure
b. embodies
c. tolerate
d. persevere
* put an end to something
a. retired
b. quell
c. ironic
d. encompass
* clear, bright and lifelike
a. vivid
b. wild
c. ironic
d. tingled
* symbolizes or represents
a. tingles
b. supportive
c. embodies
d. encompass
- embodies
* surround or completely cover
a. revolutionary
b. crinkled
c. encompass
d. embodies
* having a certain mixture of clay, sand and organic material
a. radically
b. quell
c. loamy
d. supportive
* diligent; thorough
a. conscientious
b. reassuring
c. revolutionary
d. vivid
* pleasing and harmonious to hear
a. encompass
b. supportive
c. melodic
d. tactics
- melodic
* contrary to expectations
a. I am tired
b. of hearing
c. "Hear me OUT!!!!
d. ironic