Does Ms. Hagins like to read?
Yes, she has read over 100 books this year alone!
Ms. Hagins is older or younger than most of her family?
What subject did Ms. Hagins teach last year?
Language arts.
Ms. Hagins has naturally curly hair, true or false?
Yes, she has naturally curly hair.
What is first hour called?
Does Ms. Hagins play any sports?
No, she doesn't play any sports BUT she thinks soccer, basketball, gymnastics, and basketball are fun to watch.
Ms. Hagins has a best friend, has she known them a long time, yes or no?
Ms. Hagins and her best friend have been friends for about 19 years.
Ms. Hagins has worked with 8th graders before, true or false?
False, Ms. Hagins has never worked closely with this grade before.
Ms. Hagins has a dog or a cat?
Ms. Hagins has a two year old dog named Sophie, she's very sweet!
Which lunch does Georgetown have?
3rd lunch, aka the best lunch.
Is Ms. Hagins a good or bad singer?
She's a good singer, she did voice lessons for 3 years. She was also a Uharmony choir girl.
Ms. Hagins has more teacher friends or non teacher friends? Or is it even?
It's pretty even.
Ms. Hagins' classroom looked completely different last year, true or false?
True, but I can point out what's the same. Just ask!
What high school did Ms. Hagins graduate from?
Union High School!
What is our school mascot?
The redhawk.
Does Ms. Hagins like to fish?
Yes, she does. She hasn't gone lately but she likes it quite a great deal!
Ms. Hagins has a child or a nephew/niece? Which one?
A nephew, his name is Raiden. He's six months old!
Ms. Hagins used anime clips last year to explain topics in UTime, name one of the anime's shown.
Dragon Ball, My Hero Academia, and Naruto.
Ms. Hagins loves something very specific. What might it be? Hint: Look at the décor in the room.
Musical theater/theater. I have many musical theater related figures in my room.
Where can you go during the mornings?
The lunch room or the cafeteria. It depends on whether or not you ate breakfast or not that morning.
Ms. Hagins is a published writer, what do you think she has published?
She has poems published a few places, she was a slam poet in high school.
Does Ms. Hagins have any siblings? How many?
I have 1 older sister, she's a nurse.
Ms. Hagins had most of her assignments online last year, true or false?
False! Ms. Hagins enjoys on paper assignments and online assignments equally, and assigns them equally.
Mac n cheese, gross.
Name another team on our side of the building.
Columbia, Carleton, Oberlin