Arrival & Dismissal
Ms. Hancock does ___, so students do ____.

What should your voice level be in the hallway?

Always level 0! 

ARRIVAL: Where should you unpack your backpack when you enter the room?

At your seat... NOT in the closet!


What should the voice level be while Ms. Hancock is talking?

Level 0... no exceptions!


Ms. Hancock asks students to turn-and-talk, so students speak at what voice level?

Students talk at a level 1. 


TRUE OR FALSE: Gum is allowed in the classroom. 

FALSE. Moving forward, this will result in loss of recess time. 


TRUE OR FALSE: It is okay to lean against or touch the wall in the hallway. 

FALSE! Stand away from the wall and keep your hands to your side. 


DISMISSAL: What do you do while you wait to pack up or line up?



How many people are allowed to be in the bathroom at one time?



Ms. Hancock corrects something you did (academic or behavior). What are two things you should or should not do?

OPTIONS: listen, follow directions right away, not argue back, not roll eyes, not ignore


Demonstrate for the class the difference between a level 1 and a level 2. 

*Based on student actions


You are returning from the bathroom, a brain break, or working with another teacher. Which way do you walk to come back to the classroom?

The quickest way back... NO DETOURS!


DISMISSAL: When leaving for the day, what are TWO important things you should do for your desk space before lining up?

OPTIONS (not limited to): 

- Straighten desk

- Push chair in

- Clean floor around desk

- Organize desk materials

- Completely clear off desk


What TWO WAYS can Ms. Hancock get your attention?

Ring the bell or hold up a zero


Ms. Hancock blows the recess whistle, so...

...students RUN or JOG to line up as fast as they can. 


When is it okay to talk during Morning Meeting?

When you are holding Gary (unless it is during the greeting)


You are standing behind Ms. Hancock (her back is turned to you). What are TWO THINGS you should do even when she is not looking?

Face forward and stay at a level 0


BOTH: Which part of the morning routine does Ms. Hancock use to call you to pack up during dismissal?

Turning in your purple folders


TRUE OR FALSE: It is okay to use the electric pencil sharpener when Ms. Hancock is talking. 



Ms. Hancock holds up a zero, so...

...all students in the class face her, hold up a zero, and keep it there until she says hands down. NO TALKING!


You are partnered with someone who isn't your best friend. What should you do?

ANSWER SHOULD INCLUDE: Be respectful anyways, work together, etc. 


Ms. Hancock stops the line to talk to another adult in the hallway. What is one thing you SHOULD and one thing you SHOULD NOT do while you wait?

One answer from each category (answers may vary): 

SHOULD: Face forward, stand still, keep a level 0

SHOULD NOT: Turn around, whisper/talk, leave the line


DISMISSAL: What are TWO THINGS Ms. Hancock is looking for before she will take the class to dismissal?


- Level 0

- Full line facing forward

- All chairs pushed in

- Floor cleaned 


If Ms. Hancock is working with a small group of students, what is one example of it being OKAY and one example of it being NOT OKAY to interrupt her group?

OKAY to interrupt options: emergencies of any kind

NOT OKAY to interrupt options: don't understand the directions, have a question, need help 


Ms. Hancock has technical difficulties OR needs to a moment to prepare, so...

...students wait silently at their seats. They do NOT turn to talk. 


Demonstrate the hand signals for asking to go to the bathroom and asking to get a drink of water. 

*Depends on student actions