Text Structure Signal Words
Identify the Text Feature (What does it do?)
Identify the Text Structure (Graphic Organizer)
Identify the Text Structure (Paragraph Frame)
Identify the Text Structure (Definitions)
uses signal words like "Problem," "A possible solution," "Solution," and "One reason is"
What is a Problem/Solution Text Structure
tells you the name of the story or article.
What is a Title?
Two Overlapping Circles (Also referred to as a Venn Diagram)
What is Compare/Contrast Text Structure
_____________ and ___________ are alike in several ways. Both ________ and __________ have similar ___________. Both also ________ as well as _________. On the other hand, one way they differ is _________. Another difference is ___________. Although they share _____, only ____ is _________.
What is Compare/Contrast.
A text structure in which the author explains how two or more things are alike or different
What is Compare/Contrast text structure?
uses signal words like "first," "next," "then," "before," and "later."
What is a Sequence Text Structure
words that are in bold face type, and can appear at the back of the book in another text feature.
What are vocabulary words?
A graphic organizer that has one central circle with "arms" coming off to smaller circles (also referred to as a Web)
What is a Descriptive text structure
The effects of ________ are significant because _______. One effect of ______ is __________. Another result is ________________________. Because of these outcomes, _____________________________.
What is Cause/Effect
A text structure in which the author lists one or more causes or events and the resulting consequences or effects.
What is Cause/Effect
Uses signal words like "In comparison," "alike," and "differ"
What is Compare/Contrast Text Structure
Is found at the front of the book and lists different topics or themes and where to find them.
What is the Table of Contents.
a text structure that can use either a timeline or stair step graphic organizer
What is Sequence (chronological or instructions)
Here is how a _______________ is made. First, _________________. Next, _____________. Then, _________________. Finally, __________________.
What is Sequence.
A text structure in which an author puts items or events in order, or tells the steps to follow to do something or make something.
What is Sequence
Uses signal words "As a result," "Because of this," and "One possible effect."
What is Cause/Effect Text Structure
Is found at the back of the book and contains vocabulary words used throughout the book and their definitions.
What is Glossary
A graphic organizer that has one box on the left side, and three boxes on the right (referred to as the 1 ________, 3 ______ graphic organizer)
What is Cause/Effect
_____________________________ had/was/is a problem because _______________________________. A possible solution to this is __________________________________. As a result, _________________________________.
What is Problem/Solution.
A text structure in which an author tells about a problem (and sometimes says why there is a problem) then gives one or more possible solutions.
What is Problem/Solution
Uses signal words like "Looks like," "For example," "Characteristics of," and uses lots of sensory details.
What is a Descriptive Text Structure
Text boxes that appear in the margins of the text and contain background information, definitions, or critical thinking questions.
What is Side Bar
A graphic organizer that has three boxes stacked on top of each other, with the final box labelled "End Result"
What is Problem/Solution
The _______________ looks like _____________. It has ________________, and is ___________ in color. _______________ also has _______________ which looks like __________________, and it can _______________________________.
What is Descriptive.
A text structure in which a detailed description of something is given to help the reader form a mental picture.
What is Descriptive text structure