Quick Facts
True or False
School Counseling Program
Act it Out/Role Play
Sketch it Out!

What is your school counselor's name?

Ms. Hart


TRUE OR FALSE: As soon as you fill out a Request Form, your counselor will come and get you. 

FALSE. Ms. Hart should be checking every day for counselor request forms, but will usually see you within 3 days. In cases where you need to see Ms. Hart THAT day (danger), you should tell your teacher instead of submitting a counselor request form. 

True or false: When I go to Ms. Hart's office, we just play games. 

False! We may play games sometimes, but there is always a purpose for why we are talking. Sometimes, no games will be involved at all!


Your school counselor can help you learn healthy and kind ways to experience uncomfortable feelings. Work with your team to act out ~in silence~ an uncomfortable feeling and see if the rest of us can guess what the feeling is. 

Did another team guess? 100 for you!

Ms. Hart cares so much about each of you! Draw one symbol that represents caring. 

100 points! Nice!


Where is the school counselor's office located?

Downstairs in the admin hallway!

*Extra 100: Room #409


TRUE OR FALSE: Teachers or Parents may request that the school counselor invite a student in for an individual counseling session. 

TRUE. Parents and teachers may request that the school counselor see you.

True or False: Ms. Hart only works with students one-on-one. 

False. Ms. Hart can work with you individually, with you and your friends, or in a counseling small group. 


Pretend that you are being bullied at school.  Even though you feel scared to tell anyone, you remember that one of your school counselor’s job is to try to create a safe school environment where everyone feels safe and that they matter and belong. Act out telling your school counselor what is wrong and asking them for help. 

Could you do it? Way to go! 200 points for your team!

Imagine this: Ms. Hart comes to your class to teach a lesson. Draw or write about something you would want her to teach your class about. 

Nice! 200 points!


If you need to see the school counselor, what do you do?

Fill out a counselor request form or have your parent email/call. If it is an *emergency,* ask your teacher to call for me. 


TRUE OR FALSE: If Ms. Hart calls me down to the office, that means I am in trouble. 

FALSE. Ms. hart does not want to "get you in trouble." If you do need to talk with Ms. Hart when you are in trouble, she will help you with skills to practice to help. 


If one of your classmates asks you to tell you what you talked with Ms. Hart about, do you have to tell them?

No. You do not have to share what you talked about with Ms. Hart with your classmates. 


Pretend that you and a classmate have been fighting a lot lately and you notice that it is impacting your your work and responsibilities at school.  Act out suggesting to your classmate that you both meet with the school counselor together to talk and work it out in a safe place. 

Way to go! 300 points!


Your school counselor tries to help all students be successful at school. How do YOU feel about school? (extra 25 points per feeling, max additional points of 100 (4 additional feelings)

100 points!


How often will Ms. Hart come to my classroom?

Once every 4-5 weeks


TRUE OR FALSE: The only time that you should reach out to the counselor is if you have a BIG problem. 

FALSE! I want to (and can!) help you with a lot of things! 


If a friend tells you that they are being hurt or are scared of being hurt, you should keep that a secret. 

No. You should not keep that a secret. 

What is a problem you might experience at school that your school counselor could help you with? Act it out!

Did you do it? Nice! 400 points for your team!


Your classmate, who really gets on your nerves, seems to be feeling really angry today. Draw one way you could help in this sitation.

Keep your distance, show them kindness, write them an encouraging note, give them a smile, speak positively about them, show grace. 


True or False: Ms. Hart will tell my parents and/or teacher about everything that we talk about in our meetings. 

FALSE: Ms. Hart may share with your parent or teacher what you talk about if someone is at risk of getting hurt or if you tell her that she can share the details of what you talked about. 

TRUE OR FALSE: If my problems are too big, I should not talk to my school counselor and should talk to someone else. 

FALSE. There is no problem too big to share! 


True or false: Ms. Hart chooses kids to be in small groups based on who she wants to eat lunch with that day. 

FALSE. Small groups are used to work on specific topics, like grief, death, anxiety, school stress, making and keeping friends, anger management, etc. 


Your school counselor helps students learn about different careers. Choose once person in your group who will act out what they want to be when they grow up. If the rest of your team can guess in 20 seconds, your team gets 500 points!

Did they guess it? 500 points!!


You are feeling really bummed about not doing well on your latest science test. Write 5 things you can do to try to do better on the next one!

1. Pay attention in class

2. Ask for help

3. Participate in work

4. Study at home

5. Get a good night sleep