Figurative Language
PSSA Terms
Bias and Propaganda
Anything PSSA
Anything and Everything
This type of figurative language: "Life is like a box of chocolates."
What is a simile?
Two words that have opposite meanings.
What are antonyms?
Prior attitude that you have about a subject that affects the way you perceive what you read or see Hint: if you are male then this will probably affect the way you perceive an article about male students' lack of motivation in school
What is a bias?
Point of view that this is written in: "You really need to get yourself mentally ready for the PSSAs and make sure you get plenty of sleep the night before."
What is second person?
The number of points that a math open-ended response is worth on the PSSAs.
What is 4 points?
This type of figurative language: "The sun stretched its golden fingers over the field."
What is personification?
Information in a paragraph that helps you understand a word that you do not know.
What are context clues?
A method of propaganda in which an expert in that field or a celebrity supports an idea or a product
What is testimonial?
Fact or Opinion? This year's PSSAs will take place on March 12 at the academically stimulating Butler Senior High School.
What is an opinion?
The number of points that an open-ended question in Reading is scored out of on the PSSAs.
What is 3 points?
"She moved faster than lightning saying goodbye to the arms of darkest clouds."
What is a hyperbole?
The author's manner of presenting material including word usage, punctuation, organization, and point of view. A. Tone B. Mood C. Style D. Author's purpose
What is style?
In a McDonalds ad, you hear the same song over and over that states "McDonalds is a great place for a great time."
What is repetition?
"It rained for the first few days of the camping trip. As a result, most of the campers were restless and wanted to go home." This is written in this type of text organization.....
What is cause and effect?
A restaurant where Ms. Hill worked during college.
What is The Olive Garden?
This type of figurative language: "The morning light traced a pattern across the sky, and the sun's gentle hands began to change the view outside Sarah's window from an empty wasteland into a bustling, friendly city." A. Hyperbole B. Metaphor C. Imagery D. Alliteration
What is imagery?
The "thing" that causes a character to act in a certain way in a passage. A. Mood B. Motivation C. Style D. Plot
What is motivation?
Michael Nare says that education is of prime importance, but last year he voted to reduce education funding twice. Michael Nare wants you to believe he's a small-town farmer out to save the agricultural way of life. What he didn't mention is he grew up in a 10,000 square foot home in the suburb of a major city. The first time he stepped on a farm was six months ago, prior to starting his campaign. You don't need another two-faced politician. Elect Clarence Kendall for governor. What you see is what you'll get. **The method of propaganda that Clarence Kendall uses to persuade people to vote for him.
What is name calling?
A word that literally means "not full of taste." Hint: Think of the prefix for "not" and the suffix for "full of"
What is distasteful? (or untasteful even though it's not technically a word)
The number of children Mrs. Rodger's has.
What is four?
Lila: Huh. (looks away as if to hide her sad face) That's fantastic! A. Dramatic Irony B. Satire C. Verbal Irony D. Paradox
What is verbal irony?
A word that means the writer's overall attitude toward his or her subject or characters. Hint: It starts with the letter "t"
What is tone?
A bicycle commercial shows thousands of bicyclists on the road riding their brand of bike. The commercial states that everyone is buying this bike.
What is bandwagon?
If this were a real word, it would literally mean "against the study of the PSSAs"
What is anti-PSSA-ology
The name of Mrs. Garrow's youngest (newest) grandchild.
Who is Emma?