Who was the abolitionist who was raised speaking Dutch and kept a Dutch accent all her life?

Isabella Baumfree (Sojourner Truth)


What did Hudson Taylor credit his salvation to?

His sister who prayed 3 times/ day for a month that he would know Christ and his mother who prayed for years. 


What was Florence Nightingale's family background like?

high class British, Intelligent parents, high expectations, socialite but turned it away. Felt a divine call toward poor and infirm


In 1865, together with William Thomas Berger, Hudson Taylor formed a new mission agency titled _______________________

China Inland Mission

What was the conflict between the British and the Chinese called and over which drug did they fight?

Opium Wars


What was the conflict that Florence served in as a nurse?

Crimean War


What were some ways that Hudson Taylor's approach to missions was unusual?

He chose to dress like a Chinese person, speak their language, eliminate as much of western civilization as he could as he was sharing the gospel - contextualization.


What were the causes of the Taiping Rebellion?

Chinese were tired of the Manchu rule under the Ch'ing dynasty. Head of the revolt = Hong Xiuquan - thought he was Jesus' younger brother and another son of God. Raised up an army to cast demons out of China and overthrow Ch'ing.


Which countries fought in the Crimean War?

Russia against British, French, Turkish, and Sardinia. 

Who wrote a famous poem entitled "The Charge of the Light Brigade" memorializing the British fighting in the Crimean War?

Alfred Lord Tennyson


What was the term of the concept that Hudson Taylor received comfort from in Galatians 2:20 and shown in this letter he wrote to his sister? "I am dead and buried with Christ- aye, and risen too! And now Christ lives in me, and "the life that I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."

the exchanged life

What was a turning point in the horrible numbers of dying soldiers?

Changing the sanitation and sewage system - providing ventilation.
What was the largest civil war in history, and which missionary served in China during it?

Taiping Rebellion, Hudson Taylor


Who was known as "The Lady with the Lamp" and why?

Florence Nightingale - a nurse that would walk the hospital lines at night with lamp in hand to bring comfort

What was name of Florence Nightingale's program at King's College in London?

Nightingale Training School