Out of the Class
Independent Time
Misc. Facts

What kinds of drinks are allowed & when?

Only water is allowed in the classroom! You are encouraged to bring a closeable water bottle to keep with you to enjoy a drink whenever needed! If you are using our water fountain in class, please wait until independent time to get a drink unless urgent.


How should I walk in the hallway?

Voice off

Single-file line to the right side of the hall

Hands by my body

Looking forward


How should I get a drink during whole-group instruction?

You may only get a drink from your water bottles during whole-group. In special situations, please do not hesitate to raise your hand and ask to get a drink.


When should I use the bathroom during independent time? How should I indicate to the teacher where I am going?

Whenever I need to, as long as there are no more than two students checked-out! 

I should move my magnet to the bathroom section of our check-out system.


What is Ms. Irmen's favorite flower?

A rose or sunflower!


Are we allowed to bring snacks?

Yes! You may enjoy your snack during your homeroom's allotted snack time. 


How should I behave in the bathroom?

Like you're using the bathroom??? 

Go to the bathroom, wash your hands, and come back to class! Don't goof around in there. 


When should I ask to go to the bathroom during whole-group instruction?

Never! If there is an emergency situation, I trust that you can use your judgement and exit the classroom without disrupting others. Later on, I may privately check in to make sure everything is okay!


Where am I allowed to go during independent time?

In the beginning of the year, we will practice working around the room during allotted periods only. As I feel that you can handle working around the room independently, I will allow students to work around the room more frequently. 

I want you to be able to get comfortable and spread out while working, though I have to see that you can handle it.

Name the fastest animal in the world.
The Cheetah!

Are we allowed to use your materials?

Absolutely! That's what they're there for. I ask that you respect my materials and put them back the way you found them to make sure they stay nice for other students to use. 

What should the cafeteria look and sound like during lunch?

This is your free time, I get it! Have fun and talk with your friends, but stay respectful and keep your voice levels to a 1 or 2. Remember that our staff is working hard to feed lots of students and our younger friends are still trying to learn while you're eating... it gets loud pretty quickly!


How should I get a drink during whole-group instruction?

From your water bottles only! In the event that you do not have a water bottle and cannot wait, please ask before using the water fountain.


How can I make sure I am completing all of my work?

Weekly you will get an assignment overview from me. I encourage students to use this as a checklist and mark of completed assignments. 

The easiest way to ensure you have enough time to complete your work is to make sure you are on task and asking questions as needed.


What color is a flamingo born?



What happens if I forget to put my name on an assignment?

Ms. Irmen will put it in the no-name bin for a week. Then the assignment may be thrown away and you will be responsible to redo any work for a grade.


What are our recess expectations?

Name 3.

Play and Have Fun

Be Kind and Include Everyone

Use Equipment Appropriately

Follow Guidelines Set by Adults

Be Respectful 

Clean Up After Yourselves


What if I need to blow my nose, cough, toot, etc.?

I understand that humans are not perfect, and neither am I. If you need to step out into the hallway to relieve yourself without drawing attention, that is perfectly acceptable.


What kind of homework will I have?

The only homework I assign typically is reading 20 minutes each school night at home. You will be responsible for completing your reading log and getting it checked each week. 

For any other assignments, you will be given plenty of time in class to complete what is asked of you. If you do not complete the work in class, you may be asked to take it home and complete it.


What is one thing you found surprising about your teachers so far?

Determined by Ms. Irmen


How can I check out a library book?

We have two options!

In a few weeks, we will begin visiting the school library on a regular basis. You may check out up to 3 books from our librarian and return them in a timely manner.

We also have our classroom library. You are free to check out our library during independent time, but please make sure you keep it neat and only take 1 book at a time. When you are finished with a book, please return the book before choosing a new one!


How can we ensure that we earn extra recesses regularly?

I like extra recess too! Stay on task and get your work done to make sure we have plenty of time to enjoy a second recess regularly.

What is one of the most important rules in our classroom?

Encourage Others and Be Supportive

Build Each Other Up

Spread Kindness and Positivity


What is FLEX?

FLEX is independent time to work on assignments. Students should first prioritize current assignments with approaching due dates, and then move on to complete any missing assignments.

Students should use their weekly assignment overviews to ensure all work is complete before enjoying free choice.


What is Mrs. Schomaker afraid of?
