Social Skills
Cooking Skills

True or False:  When having a conversation with some it is okay to do all the talking and not let the other person speak at all.  

What is False. You should always take turns in a conversation and listen when others speak.


Cheese should go here.

The fridge. 


You just burped in the middle of a silent room. What should you do. 

Say excuse me!


TRUE or FALSE: It is ok to drink fizzy drinks with every meal once you eat a balanced diet? 

FALSE. You should limit your intake of fizzy drinks and drink more water!!


You are invited to a party but don't want to go. What should you do?

Politely decline/say "no thank you".


The minimum distance that I should keep from others in public.

An arm's length away.  


True or False: Food can be eaten after it's 'use by' date has passed. 


Before cooking, after using the bathroom, or after touching anything dirty I should do this.

Wash my hands thoroughly with soap.


True or False: It is not necessary to take a break when you are mad.  

False. Taking a break when you are mad is a good way to calm down.  


True or False. It is acceptable to use bad language in class when a teacher is present (even if you're not talking to the teacher). 

False. No it's not. 


When someone does not quickly respond to my calls or texts, I should repeatedly call or text them until they respond. Acceptable or not?

Not - They may be busy, and repeatedly calling/texting would be annoying and frustrating to others.


Leftovers should go here.

The fridge (not the garbage/compost).


It's ok to reuse the blue Covid masks. 

No, it's not. They are disposable. 


You are crossing the road outside the school at the pedestrian crossing and a car stops to allow you to pass. What should you do?

Wave at them to say thanks (or look at them and mouth 'thanks/thank you'). 


True or False: It's ok to spit out food you don't like when at the dinner table. 

False: Obviously it's not. 


The acceptable hours to contact your teacher through email. 

As a general rule, during school hours.


It is acceptable to regularly eat food in your bedroom.   

No, it's not. I should have most of my meals in the kitchen where food is kept. Food in the bedroom can be considered unsanitary.  


You find the class particularly boring and you fall asleep. what should you do at the end of class. 

Apologize to the teacher (and promise to catch up on any work you may have missed out on).


This is how many meals I should eat each day.

3. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Small, healthy snacks in between are okay such as carrots or fruit.


Your friend has his/her license and is always driving you everywhere. What should you do? 

Offer to pay for gas and say "thank you". 


True or False:  It is okay to look in your mom's purse for something without asking her first. 

False. It is never socially acceptable to go through someone else's belongings. 


Once food has defrosted from the freezer, it is ok to refreeze it again. 

No. This could lead to food poisoning. 


The two most important words in the English languages (in terms of social skills). 

'Please' and 'thank you'.


True or False: The daily recommended number of portions of fruit/veg that should be consumed is 23.

False. It is 7 but it used to be 5.


Your teacher brings in cookies and and hot chocolate. What should you do at the end of class?

Say thanks/thank you and offer to help clean up.