Community Safety
Hygiene Skills
Food Safety
Social Skills
Fire Safety

Before crossing a street or parking lot, we should turn our heads in this direction to make sure cars are not coming.

A.) Only look to the left 

B.) Look both ways (right and left)

B.) Look both ways (right and left)


At a minimum, we should do this at least twice per day (in the morning and before bed)

A.) Drink water

B.) Brush our teeth

B.) Brush our teeth


You purchased some vegetables from the grocery store. Before cooking or eating them, you should...

A.) Eat them right away

B.) Rinse them under water

B.) Rinse them under water

You can rinse them under water or use a vegetable cleaning spray to make sure they are clean!


Your mom or dad asks you to take out the trash, but your foot is hurting really bad. It is difficult for you to walk. You may say this...

A.) NO! I'm NOT doing it!

B.) My foot hurts really bad. Can I do it later when my foot is feeling better?

B.) My foot hurts really bad. Can I do it later when my foot is feeling better?


Your smoke detector begins going off while you are sleeping at night. You are in your pajamas and don't want to go outside in them because you might get cold. You should...

A.) Go outside right away

B.) Change your clothes

A.) Go outside right away 

You should never stop to look for more comfortable clothing. This could put you at risk of getting hurt.



You are at the park when a bad thunderstorm begins. You should stay outside until the storm is over.

A.) True

B.) False

B.) False- 

Go inside a building or your car until the storm has passed!


When sneezing or coughing, we should try to protect others from our germs by sneezing into this body part

A.) Hands

B.) Elbow

B.) Elbow

The inside of your elbow! But still wash your hands/arms afterwards.


You just finished eating dinner, but there are leftovers sitting on the stove. You should...

A.) Put the leftovers in a container and then in the fridge

B.) Leave the leftovers out on the stove until the next day

A.) Put the leftovers in a container and then in the fridge

Pack up your leftovers and place them in the fridge. Don't let them sit out for too long...this could lead to bacteria growth which can make you sick!


You think your best friend is mad at you, but you don't know why. You could try saying this to your friend...

A.) I feel like you are mad at me. Can we talk about it?

B.) Why are you so mad?! I didn't do anything!!

A.) I feel like you are mad at me. Can we talk about it?


Fill in the blank:

Stop, ______, Roll

A.) Run

B.) Drop

B.) Drop

Stop, drop and roll to prevent flames from spreading on you!


Before entering the grocery store, you notice alarms are going off and people are walking out of the store. You should...

A.) Wait until the alarm is off and it is safe to enter the store again

B.) Go into to store and ignore the alarm

A.) Wait until the alarm is off and it is safe to enter the store again


When washing your hands, it is recommended that you sing this song two times to make sure you have taken enough time while washing.

A.) Supercalifragalistickexpialedoshious

B.) Happy Birthday

B.) Happy Birthday

The Happy Birthday song! Singing this two times take about 20 seconds.


When cooking chicken, we want to make sure we don't see this color on the inside before we eat it.

A.) Black

B.) Pink

B.) Pink

We should never eat chicken that has any pink on the inside. This would indicate it is undercooked, and you could become sick from eating it!



It is nice to ignore people when they are trying to talk to you.

A.) False

B.) True

A.) False 

Ignoring people can be seen as rude. If you don't feel like talking, you should politely ask the person if you can talk later.


After evacuating from a house that is on fire, you realize someone is still inside. You should...

A.) Tell the firefighters there is someone inside

B.) Go back in to get them

A.) Tell the firefighters there is someone inside

DO NOT GO BACK INTO THE BUILDING! Tell the fire department that there is someone still inside, and where you think they may be inside the house. They will find them!


This person, who works at a beach or pool, is there to protect and help people while they are swimming in the water.

A.) Lifeguard

B.) Doctor 

A.) Lifeguard


We apply this to our armpits to prevent excessive sweating and body odor for the day.

A.) Water

B.) Deodorant

B.) Deodorant


While preparing a potato salad to bring to a party, you accidentally sneeze into the bowl. It is okay to still bring this potato salad to the party.


a) TRUE 


False!! Do not bring this potato salad. You could make other people sick if they eat it!


Sometimes we do or say something to others that we regret later on. We should do this to anybody whose feelings we may have hurt...

A.) Ignore them

B.) Apologize

B.) Apologize

Admit you made a mistake or were being mean, and tell them you will try to not do it again.


To make sure your outdoor fire pit is totally out before going inside, you might...

A.) Add gas

B.) Smother it in dirt

B.) Smother it in dirt

You might also gently pour water on it. Make sure you don't see any flames, coals or smoke coming from the fire pit.


You are at Walmart and become separated from your mom or dad. You don't know the store well and feel lost. You should...

A.) Leave the store and go to your car

B.) Find someone who works at the store and ask for help

B.) Find someone who works at the store and ask for help

Find a staff member and tell them you are lost. Stay with them until you are reunited with your mom or dad.


While taking a walk in the woods, you scratch your arm on a branch. You get a small cut on your arm and you are bleeding a little bit. When you get home, you should...

A.) Wash the cut with soap and water and then put a band-aid on it.

b) Put a band-aid on without washing the cut

A.) Wash the cut with soap and water and then put a band-aid on it. 

You should wash it with soap and water to prevent an infection. You may also need to put a Band-Aid on it for more protection while it heals.


The milk in your fridge smells sour and seems to have some lumps in it. You should...

A.) Drink it

B.) Dump the milk in the sink

B.) Dump the milk in the sink

DON'T DRINK THE MILK! The milk has likely spoiled, and you could become sick if you drink it. Pour it out and throw it away.


You need to tell someone something important, but they are busy talking to someone else. You could try saying this to politely get their attention.

A.) Hello?!?! I have something to say!

B.) Excuse me

B.) Excuse me

"I am sorry for interrupting, but there is an emergency or something important I need to make you aware of."


Your home is filled with smoke and you need to evacuate immediately. The smoke is making you cough. You should....

A.) Find a corner to sit in until a firefighter comes to get you

B.) Crawl on the floor and make you way to the nearest exit/way out

B.) Crawl on the floor and make you way to the nearest exit/way out 

It may also help to try covering your mouth with your shirt to protect you from inhaling too much smoke.