Figurative Language
Literary Terms
Short Response Questions
This is directly from your final.
Random (has nothing to do with the final)

Define Simile

The comparison of two unlike things using the words "like" or "as."


Define Flashback

An interruption in present events of action that took place at an earlier time to help a reader understand a character's current situation.


How do you answer a constructed short response question?

RACECE*. Restate, Answer, Cite, Explain, Cite, Explain, Conclusion


What is the following an example of:

My dad is going to kill me when he gets home because I forgot to do the dishes.



What is the name of the dollar store ghost that hangs behind Ms. Klusek's desk?



What is the following vocab word:

Language that appeals to the five senses.



Give me an example of a THEME.

Answers will vary.


What is missing from the following short response:

The author says on page 8, "Grace was shocked by the results." This shows that she was not expecting the results that the test gave her. Also, on page 12, it says, "She just couldn't believe that she had failed so bad." Grace studied very hard for her test and failed. In conclusion, she was upset with herself because of all the hard word she put into it. 

Restate and answer.


Define Alliteration.

The repetition of the same initial consonant sound.


What is Ms. Klusek's favorite color?



Define Allusion.

A reference to a famous person, place, event, or work of art, literature, or pop culture.


What is the following vocab word:

When the reader expects one event to happen, but the opposite happens instead.



What is missing from the following short response:

The theme of the novel is that you should not lie to your parents. In the book, Emily lies to her and says she is going to her friends house, but really she was at the movies with Peyton. This shows her lying. She ends up getting caught and getting grounded. She got in trouble for lying. This shows why you should not lie to your parents.


What is the following vocab word:

A comparison of two unlike things NOT using the words "like" or "as"



Which of your teachers helped build Jim Kelly's house?

Mr. Schulze


Give me an example of Personification.

Answers will vary. 


Give me an example of Foreshadowing.

Answers will vary.


What is missing from the following short response:

In the story, Brooklyn is not happy with the results of class elections. In paragraph 7 it states, "She was livid. How could Susie win class president over her?" Susie won the election over Brooklyn and that made her mad. Also, in paragraph 9, the author says, "She went up to Susie, a look of hatred in her eyes." The following altercation between the two girls shows just how upset Brooklyn is.



Define Foreshadowing.

Hints or clues that suggest future events in a story.


Which one of your teachers have been scuba diving for 15 years? 

Ms. Kirchner


What is the following vocab word:

A word that is spelled how it sounds; a word that you can hear.



Define Tone and Mood.

Tone: expresses the author's attitude about the subject, how the author feels

Mood: feeling or atmosphere that the author creates for the story, the vibe


What is missing from the following short response:

One possible theme in The Outsiders is everyone has their own problems. On page 98, the text states, “’I’m sick of all this. Sick and tired. Bob was a good guy. He was the best buddy a guy ever had. I mean, he was a good fighter and tuff and everything, but he was a real person too.’” This shows that even the people you think have nothing to worry about, or have no emotions are human too. Everyone has their own problems, even if you don’t see it. On page 11, it says “His father was always beating him up, and his mother ignored him, except when she was hacked off at something, and then you could hear her yelling at him clear down at our house.” This validates that everyone has their own lives, such as Johnny Cade, who is beat at home. As evidence shows, people such as Johnny and Randy have such different problems, some problems you wouldn’t even realize. Everyone has their own hidden problems.



Describe how your final is set up.

The first part has ten questions where you are identifying examples of vocab words. You will have a word bank, but will not use all of the words in the bank. Part two has two readings and four RACECE* questions.


How many teeth does an adult have?