Someone who is kind, shares, and makes sure everyone is included in games.
A friend
"Thank you" "Please" "Excuse me"
A place to keep classroom tickets in.
Duct Tape Wallets
"I like your shoes!"
A compliment
Where we line up after recess.
The basketball pole
Putting things away after we use them.
Cleaning up
Classroom jobs
The teacher that made hot dogs one day!
Ms. Liz
Inside volume
The bubble that surrounds every person that we stay out of!
The volume level in the hallway
Ninja volume
Faces forward.
Ms. K's favorite beverage
The bus
The students included during recess games.
The speed we walk in the hallway
Mr. Vance
The person that drives the bus that we listen to and follow his directions!
Bus Driver
Words we keep to ourselves.
Negative words
The place your home note goes everyday
WOW Folder
The leader of East Sandy Elementary