Making Inferences
Reasons/Evidence Use
Making Inferences
Author's Purpose
Making Connections
Within Text
Making Connections
Across Texts

Read this sentence from, 'Outsmart Your Smartphone'.

"Students who used social networking scored twenty percent  lower on tests and had lower grades compared to those that stayed off social media until their work was done. " 

This sentence suggests-

A. students are gonna score low even if they don't use their smartphone.

B. students that were not distracted by their smartphone outperformed students that used their smartphone on the day of a test.

C. students perform better when they have their smartphones nearby.

D. students can not successfully focus when they  have their smartphones, unless you set if on a timer during the test. 

B. students that were not distracted by their smartphone outperformed students that used their smartphone on the day of a test.


from, 'Outsmart Your Smartphone'...

The author most likely included the benefits of social media in paragraph 2 to-

A. to anticipate the opposing view on the risks of teens' social media use 

B. to argue why teens should use social media regularly

C. to demonstrate she supports why teens want to use social media 

D. to give more reasons why teens become better adults when they use social media to find role models

A. to anticipate the opposing view on the risks of teens' social media use


from, 'It's Complicated'...

Which of these is an assertion rather than a fact about teens using social media to learn how become a mature adult? 

A. Social media enables a type of youth-centric public space that is often otherwise inaccessible.

B.  For better or worse, media narratives also help construct broader narratives for how public life works.  

C. Though family is still important, many teens relish the opportunity to create relationships that are not simply given but chosen.

D. Are there teens who have an unhealthy relationship with technology?

B.  For better or worse, media narratives also help construct broader narratives for how public life works.  


What is one way that Danah boyd and Catherine Steiner both achieved their purpose?

A. They both focused on the effects of social media on youth

B. They both addressed how parents need to be more involved

C. They both believe social media is a great tool, but it has unhealthy and dangerous risks

D. They both disagree with how much time teens are using social media

A. They both focused on the effects of social media on youth


You will need the article, 'It's Complicated'.  

The details in  paragraph 4 of 'It's Complicated' suggests-

A. teens use social media to hide from nosy parents.

B. teens are addicted to social media because that's how they stayed connected to their friends.

C. teens aren't capable of navigating life without social media.

D. teens are gonna find ways to stay connected to their friends even if parents are in the room with them.

B. teens are addicted to social media because that's how they stayed connected to their friends.


from, 'It's Complicated'...

The author most likely based her claim on the premise that-

A. the importance of friends in social and moral development is well documented. 

B. some teens may reject the messages of adulthood that they hear or see, but they still learn from all of the signals around them. 

C. parents are failing to recognize the power of social media

D. social media helps teens develop meaningful friendships as they enter the coming of age process.

D. social media helps teens develop meaningful friendships as they enter the coming of age process.


from, 'It's Complicated'...

Which sentence supports the belief that teens use social media as a means for becoming mature adults?

A. Friends offer many things- advice, support, entertainment, and a connection that combats loneliness. 

B. Yet these questions seem far less urgent and difficult when we acknowledge teens' underlying social motivations. 

C. The gadgets are interesting to them primarily as a means to social end. 

D.  They want to inhabit public spaces, but they  also look to adults, including public figures to understand what it means to be grown-up.

D.  They want to inhabit public spaces, but they  also look to adults, including public figures to understand what it means to be grown-up.


The author of 'It's Complicated' and the author of 'Outsmart Your Smartphone' would probably agree-

A. that parents should be at the center of all their child's social media activity

B. teens are too irresponsible to handle friendships on social media

C. developing meaningful relationships is a key component of the coming age process  

D. that kids and adults should be allowed to hang out in the same public spaces without consideration of their age

C. developing meaningful relationships is a key component of the coming age process  


from, 'Outsmart Your Smartphone'.

The author mentions TV in paragraph 18 most likely to-

A. describe how watching TV can be more interesting than watching an online video.

B. help readers understand that watching TV doesn't allow for the same quality as watching it online

C. compare and contrast the long term effects watching TV to the long term effects of being on social media.

D. define the reason teens should watch more TV

C. compare and contrast the long term effects watching TV to the short term effects of being on social media.


from, 'Outsmart Your Smartphone'...

The author includes five main reasons teens should limit how much time they are online most likely to-

A. show how research can make you feel like being online is a horrible experience

B. point out the disadvantages to being online for extended periods of time

C. describe the advantages and disadvantages to being online constantly

D.  suggest that teens that are online everyday should use grow to have healthy relationships with their friends as adults

B. point out the disadvantages to being online for extended periods of time


from, 'Outsmart Your Smartphone' ...

Which sentence best refutes the critics concern about teens missing out when they are separated from their social media devices? 

A.   A 2016 study by researchers at the University of Cologne in Germany described so-called Facebook envy and depression as a serious concern, echoing other studies of social media's negative effects on mental health.

B. Because after a short withdrawal period, classmates enjoyed the freedom from the pressures of social media and the fun of being together.

C. The presence of social media and life online creates new kinds of psychological  issues.

D. You see endless streams of nasty comments trending gossip and might start to quietly fear you'll become the target of it. 

A.   A 2016 study by researchers at the University of Cologne in Germany described so-called Facebook envy and depression as a serious concern, echoing other studies of social media's negative effects on mental health.


Read the following sentence from It's Complicated'.

Furthermore, social interactions may be a distraction from school, but they are often not a distraction from learning.

Which sentence from 'It's Complicated' shows a contrast between ideas in the article 'Outsmart Your Smartphone'? 

A. Adolescence has always been a hero's journey of growing independence, exploration, and self-discovery

B. Social media is a stimulant to the brain.

C. Ninety-two percent of teens report going online daily.

D. Students who used social networking scored twenty percent lower on tests and had lower grades compared to those that stayed off social media until their work was done.   

D. Students who used social networking scored twenty percent lower on tests and had lower grades compared to those that stayed off social media until their work was done.  


You will need the article, 'It's Complicated'.

Based on the details in paragraph 6 the reader can infer?

A. teens become disrespectful to their parents as a way of showing them they are becoming adults too.

B. some teens are tired of parents trying to protect them.

C. some teens push boundaries with their parents to form their own opinion about adulthood. 

D. teens are going to find new boundaries that satisfy their needs and help them define who they want to become as adults

C. some teens push boundaries with their parents to form their own opinion about adulthood.


from, 'Outsmart Your Smartphone'...

The author most likely based her argument on the premise that-

A. when smartphones swept onto the scene in 2008, teenagers used them for familiar purposes- to connect to each other and share interest out of adults' view.

B. a false sense of privacy can trick teens int thinking they are safe

C. texting is easier than talking and seems like the same thing, but isn't. 

D. technology itself has significantly changed the landscape for teens


D. technology itself has significantly changed the landscape for teens


from, 'It's Complicated'...

 Which sentence best explains why the author believes teens may prefer using social media?

A. Why do they seem compelled to check Facebook hundreds of times a day?

B. Consider, for example, the widespread concern over internet addiction. 

C. Most teens are not compelled by gadetry as such-they are compelled by friendship. the gadgets are interesting to them primarily as a means to a social end. 

D. Coming of age is rife with self-determination, risk taking, and tough decision-making. 


C. Most teens are not compelled by gadetry as such-they are compelled by friendship. the gadgets are interesting to them primarily as a means to a social end.


Read the sentence below from 'Outsmart Your Smartphone'.

  Plenty of teens have found themselves entangled in social media drama made worse when posts went viral. 

Which sentence from "'It's Complicated' refutes that idea?

A. but teens go through great lengths to develop innovative strategies for managing privacy in networked publics

B. As Teens transition from childhood, they try to understand how they fit into the larger world. 

C. Yet these questions seem far less urgent and difficult when we acknowledge teens' underlying social motivations.

D. Keeping this basic social dynamic firmly in view makes networked teens suddenly much less worrisome and strange.

A. but teens go through great lengths to develop innovative strategies for managing privacy in networked publics


from, 'Outsmart Your Smartphone'.

Based on the selection, the reader can infer the author included a multitude of research findings to-

A. outline studies that reveal how teens who use social media regularly have experienced negative effects on their cognitive, behavioral, and psychological well-being.

B. highlight how teens should monitor their use of social media to raise their risks of harm.

C. compare and contrast why teens aren't benefiting from regular use of social media.

D. chronologically give statistical data from when teens first began using social media to now.

A. outline studies that reveal how teens who use social media regularly have experienced negative effects on their cognitive, behavioral, and psychological well-being.


The authors of both articles used different reasons and evidence to back up their argument most likely because-

A. Boyd wanted to appeal their the readers sense of logic and ethics, whereas, Steiner appealed to the reader's sense of emotions

B. Steiner's purpose was to prove the harmful effects of social media on teens health, while Boyd's purpose was to describe how social media help foster meaningful relationships for teens

C. Boyd wanted to share only her opinions without factual statements and Stenier saw that Boyd's argument was unreliable 

D. Steiner thought she would demonstrate how to use statistics and facts to support  your claim rather than assertions and opinions. 

B. Steiner's purpose was to prove the harmful effects of social media on teens health, while Boyd's purpose was to describe how social media help foster meaningful relationships for teens


from, 'Outsmart Your Smartphone'...

Which sentence is effective in indicating that teens' are in constant use of social media?

A.  The more time you spend texting or online, the greater the risks of harm 

B. Twenty-four percent of them say they are online "almost constantly" according to a 2015 study by the 2015 Pew Research Center.

C.  More than half (fifty-six percent) of teens, ages thirteen to seventeen go online several times a day. 

D. The benefits of social media are obvious.

C.  More than half (fifty-six percent) of teens, ages thirteen to seventeen go online several times a day.


One problem with the author of 'It's Complicated' claim that is not a problem for the author of 'Outsmart Your Smartphone' is-

A. she has a large quantity of data and research to support her claim

B. her argument is heavy in reasons yet, lacks factual evidence to back up her claim which makes her claim unreliable

C. she included anecdotes and quotes from teens and their parents about the benefits of social media 

D. her research is reliable and solely backed up with great reasons

B. her argument is heavy in reasons yet, lacks factual evidence to back up her claim which makes her claim unreliable