Wild Card

Name a friend at school.

Thanks for sharing!


What is Anger?

A) Sad, disappointed, & frustrated feelings that we are having a hard time talking about

B) A warm, fuzzy feeling

A) Sad, disappointed, & frustrated feelings that we are having a hard time talking about


Do 5 jumping jacks!!

1, 2, 3, 4, 5!!


Can you take 3 deep breaths?

A) Yes

B) No

A) Yes


What is a great way to make new friends?

A) Being kind and asking them a question about themselves

B) Making fun of someone

C) Not talking to them

A) Being Kind and asking them a question about themselves


What are some GOOD ways to respond to your anger?

A) Take a walk / Play a sport

B) Draw or do a craft

C) Play a game, watch a movie, or listen to music

A), B), & C) are all GREAT ways to manage your anger!!


Find (or Name) one thing that brings you comfort.

It could be anything! A stuffed animal, a blanket, a pet, a favorite TV show, etc.


What is belly breathing? 

A) Laying on your back and watching your belly rise & fall as you breathe

B) Breathing really fast

A) Laying on your back and watching your belly rise & fall as you breathe

Belly breathing helps us feel safe & calm.


Someone at school is crying on the playground. What should you do? 

A) Ignore them

B) Ask them if they are okay, and get a teacher/adult

C) Laugh at them

B) Ask them if they are okay, and get a teacher/adult


What are "Anger Stop Signs"?

A) Things that tell you that you are getting angry

B) Things that tell you that you are calming down

A) Things that tell you that you are getting angry

Sometimes anger stop signs look like clenching your fists, not wanting to talk, or feeling hot. 

What are your anger stop signs?


Who is one person you feel comfortable talking about your feelings to?

It could be anyone...a parent, a teacher, a friend, a sibling, etc.


What is mindfulness?

A) Thinking about everything you have to do tomorrow

B) Being aware of how you are feeling right now

B) Being aware of how you are feeling right now


What makes a good friend?

Lots of things! Being kind, supporting you, being honest, playing/sharing with you, etc.


What is one way to calm down when you feel angry?

A) Take a quiet time out

B) Count backwards from 100

A) AND B) are correct!!


What is an affirmation?

A)  Something negative or mean you say to yourself when feeling down.

B) Something positive or kind you say to yourself when feeling down.

B) Something positive or kind you say to yourself when feeling down.

What is 1 affirmation you could say to yourself?


What is progressive muscle relaxation?

A) Tensing a muscle, then relaxing it

B) A fancy word for noticing how your body feels 

A) AND B)!