What color scheme consists of one color and its tints and shades?
What is Monochromatic color scheme (one color and its tints and shades).
Name 3 elements of design.
What is line, color, and texture?
What effect do horizontal lines have on a silhouette?
What is Horizontal lines make the silhouette appear wider and create a feeling of stability.
Name the five body types.
What is Bell, Hourglass, A-Line, Straight/Rectangular.
What's another word for color?
What is hue?
Name the colors that are directly opposite each other on the color wheel.
What is Complementary colors (colors directly opposite each other on the color wheel).
What is the significance of line in design?
Line is significant in design as it can direct the viewer's eye and create shapes and forms.
How do vertical lines influence perception?
What is Vertical lines create the illusion of height and can make an object appear taller.
What silhouette is characterized by a natural body shape?
What is Straight/rectangular.
What is the difference between value and intensity of a color?
What is a value refers to the lightness or darkness of a color, while intensity refers to the brightness or dullness of a color.
What is a triadic color scheme?
What is a triadic color scheme consists of three colors that are equally distant from each other on the color wheel.
Name 5 types of rhythm.
What is Repetition, Gradation, Transition, Radiation, and Contrast?
What do curved lines convey in design?
What is Curved lines convey softness.
What is this body type considered?
What is hourglass.
How is a tint created?
What is a tint is created by adding white to a hue.
Describe an analogous color scheme.
An analogous color scheme includes 2-4 colors that are next to each other on the color wheel.
What feeling gives balance throughout a design?
What is visual Weight?
What is the significance of diagonal lines?
What is Diagonal lines add movement, energy, and excitement to a design.
What are the characteristics of the hourglass body type?
What is The hourglass body type has a defined waist with balanced proportions in the bust and hips.
What is a shade and how is it formed?
What is a shade is formed by adding black to a hue.
What are accented neutral colors?
Accented neutral colors consist of three colors not on the color wheel and one hue.
Describe the difference between emphasis and focal point in design.
What is emphasis is the focal point in a design that draws attention, while a focal point is the specific area that stands out?
How do lines create movement in design?
What is lines create movement by guiding the viewer's eye through the composition.
What is the MOST POPULAR silhouette/body shape?
What is A-Line.
In the language of color, what does "see red", "feel blue" and "green with envy" mean?
What is anger, sadness, and jealousy.