Classroom Expectations
Hallway Expectations
Dolphin Dollars
More Classroom Expectations

What must you do if you have a question?

Raise your Hand ... wait to be asked.


Where should our class wait before going into our classroom?

In the hallway next to our classroom in a quiet line. 


How can we earn dolphin dollars while working during whole group time?

raising your hand

participating (talking, answering questions)

staying on task


How do we treat ALL teachers who come in our classroom? 

With respect and kindness. 

Follow classroom expectations even when I'm not there. 


What do we do in the morning after we are done with breakfast but our peers are not?

Read to self


What do you do if you cannot find a pencil, glue stick, markers or crayons, etc. 

 Double check your desk, check the area around your desk THEN ask Ms. Logsdon or Ms. S to get a new one 


How should students behave in the hallway?

Students walk quietly in a line with their hands to their sides 


How can we earn dolphin dollars while working independently? 

actively working

staying quiet

meeting expectations


How does Ms. Larson like our days to go?


What is Ms. Logsdons 3 jobs in the classroom?

1. Keep you safe.

2. Love you.

3. Teach you.


When will you have ketchup work?

When you do not finish your work in class because you were talking, off task, not using your time wisely. 


How should you shut your locker?

calmly and quietly

NO slamming!


When do we shop?



What should you bring with you to school every day?

 folder, bus tag

NO backpacks!


At the end of the day, what are the teacher assistant jobs?

1. Look around classroom and pick up any big garbage laying around.

2. Make sure ipads are plugged in. 

3. Make sure all chairs are stacked.


When is the best time to go to the bathroom?

When Ms. Logsdon, Ms. S, or any other teacher, is NOT teaching (before/after work time, before leaving the classroom)


Is there running allowed in the hallway at any time?



Demonstrate what you should do when you are called to line up

Stand up, push in chair, walk quietly to the line, stay quiet in line


If a peer is distracting you, where can you go with permission?

back calm down corner, back to your desk if at the focus zone, to the focus zone if at your desk


When classroom expectations are not being followed Ms. Logsdon turns into a _________.

cranky teacher :(


What are the 4 steps you do when you enter the room in the morning? 

1. put folder up

2. Hang up your coat 

3. Go to your seat quietly 

4. Answer the morning question. 


How loud should students be talking in the hallway?

There should be NO talking!

When will you lose dolphin dollars?

not meeting classroom expectations (talking in hallway, poor bus behavior, interrupting an adult, being rude to a classmate, etc)


What do you do when you are done working on your computer and using headphones?

1. close out all tabs

2. Return computer to tech tub and plug in charger

3. Gently fold up headphones and return them to bin


When is it okay to interrupt Ms Logsdon while she is teaching? 

If there is a fire, if someone is seriously injured or hurt, if there is blood, if you have coffee for her, if a puppy walked into the classroom, or Taylor Swift walked into our classroom