Historical Figures
Cultural History
World Belief Systems
Historical Turning Points

This landmark is one of the seven wonders of the world. Construction began in 220 BCE as a series of fortifications. 

What is the Great Wall of China?


This king of England reigned from 1509 until 1547. During his reign he split with the Catholic church and made himself the head of the English church. However, he is probably most famous for his six wives, two of which he had killed. 

Who is King Henry VIII


A person who fought in an arena as entertainment for others in Ancient Rome. This person was often enslaved, but not always.

What is a Gladiator?


This religion has five main pillars of practice and originated around 1,400 years ago with the prophet Muhammad

What is Islam?


This virus, carried by rats, spread through Europe for many centuries. It killed 1/3 of the the European population and left cities desolate and abandoned. It typically only took three days to kill someone after they developed symptoms.

What is the plague or black death?


This body of water is part of the fertile crescent and has borders and tributaries that provided essential water to early advanced civilizations like Rome, Greece, Egypt and Mesopotamia 

What is the Mediterranean Sea?


This individual was the first emperor of Rome. He rose to power after the assassination of Julius Caesar to much support from the public.

Who is Caesar Augustus or Octavian?


This region of the word is responsible for the advancement of many modern day mathematics and is the origin of the number system we use.

What is the Middle East?


This religion is believed to have originated around 4,000 years ago when God revealed himself to Abraham 

What is Judaism?


Rome transitioned from a republic to this type of government after the assassination of Julius Caesar in 44 BCE. Rome then experienced a period of peace and prosperity under this form of government called 'pax romana'

What is an empire?


In the mythical story of the founding of Rome, Romulus and Remus float down this river in a basket only to be saved by a wolf

What is the Tiber River?


This Norman king conquered England at the Battle of Hastings in 1066 and is often referred to as historians as: ____________ the conqueror.

Who is William the Conqueror?


This medieval woman is a modern day symbol of strength. She felt she was called to action by God to serve and lead the French army to victory. She was convicted of heresy and burned at the stake by the English.

Who is Joan of Arc?


Emperor Constantine converted to this religion on the battlefield in 312 CE

What is Christianity?


Martin Luther nailed this document onto the door of a Church in Germany which criticized the Catholic Church on the sale of indulgences, amongst other things. This document ignited the division of Christianity and birth of Protestantism 

What are the 95 theses? 


Many early civilizations contained geographical features that provided protection from outsiders. This geographical feature helped to protect Rome and made the journey for invaders like Hannibal (and his 300 elephants) very slow.

What are the alps?


This emperor is responsible for the unification of China and known for his implementation of legalism. Later in life he sought to discover immortality which ultimately led to his mental and physical demise.

Who is Shi Huangdi or Qin Shi Huang?






What are characteristics of Renaissance paintings?


A polytheistic religion that believes in karma and reincarnation

What is Hinduism?


This era of history originated in Italy in the 14th century. It was characterized by an increased appreciation of art & culture and a step away from the agricultural life of the middle ages. Some historians criticize this era being labeled as such due to the fact that only a small portion of the population got to experience it.

What is the Renaissance?


This river provided flowing water to the very early Indian civilization of the same name. This civilization was very advanced for its time and used a standardized system of weights and measures as well as extensive city planning with sewers and a grid pattern layout. They were unique for their time as they chose to trade with neighboring groups instead of attacking them and they do not appear to have worshipped a God(s) of any kind.

What is the Indus River?


This explorer's crew was the first to circumnavigate the globe. However, the explorer himself was not able to complete the journey as he died in battle in the Philippines during the journey. 

Who is Ferdinand Magellan?


These medieval institutions were made up of tradesmen who all did the same job. The purpose of these institutions were to protect both the seller and buyer by setting quality and price standards amongst an industry. 

What were guilds?


A belief system that stresses the balance with nature and yin and yang.

What is daoism/taoism?


After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, people fled cities for the countryside. There they developed this system which acted as structure for society. This structure consisted of peasants, knights, lords and a king with the Church being the glue that held it together.

What is feudalism?