What is confederation?
An union of the colonies under a central government.
What is a civil war?
Its a war between people who live in the same country.
What was the citadel?
This is a fortress that is very strong, very high, and well constructed, within nova scoatia.
Who were the anti-confederationist?
These were people who opposed confederation.
What is panning?
A method of finding gold within gravel.
Who were the tories and who were the cleargrits?
Cleargrits: Canada West
Tories: Canada East
What was manifest destiny?
This was where US would one day control all of BNA.
A way of sending messages within BNA
What is a subsidy? Give an example of one instance.
what was the gold rush?
In fraser river, gold was on it and miners came from everywhere to obtain some of the gold.
What was Political DeadLock?
It was where no bills could be passed, so there ended up being a deadlock everytime.
Why were canada mad that Britan took away free trade?
They had HUGE finacial problems after britian took it away because they had a deal with america and spent so much money on factories for the US.
Which colony had problems with the Absentee LandLords?
Prince Edward Islands.
What was the main point of Charlottetown Conference?
To discuss a union between the Maritimes.
How much did Canada pay for PEIĀ“s Land?
What was Representation By Population, and which country didnt was Rep By Pop because of their Population?
Rep By Pop is where your amount of population would represent the amount of seats in the assylum that they get. Canada East had a smaller population so they didnt want this to happen.
What was John A Macdonald idea against fenians?
To focus more on the defence to defend against them.
Who created the Telegraph?
An american named samuel morse.
Which colonies accepted confederation?
Accepted: NB, NS, CW, CE
Declined: PEI, NFL
Instead of a wagon, what would have British Columbia got instead?
What were the three reasons the queen chose ottawa as the captial of canada? (summed up)
2. Good water transportation routes. 3. On boarder with CW and CE
What were the name of people who wanted BNA colonies to become more independent, and be charged more during trades within them and britian.
The Little Englanders.
Name 1 problem within 3/6 of the following colonies: CW, CE, NS, NB, PEI, NFL.
George will confirm with you.
Which colonies accepted the 72 resolutions?
George doesnt even know tbh.
Name the exact date BC, ruperts land, and PEI joined confederation.
British Columbia: 20, july, 1871.
Prince Edward Island: 1, July, 1873.
Ruperts Land: 1 december, 1869.