What do you need to do every day when you come in? 3 things
1. Breakfast card
2. Read the board
3. Bell work
*Unpack items for the day
What is rule #1
1. Listen & follow directions
Whose responsibility is it to keep your materials safe?
What is Ms. Mijares first name?
What do you do if you need something?
hand signals
What is rule #2?
2. Handsn& feet to yourself
How should you act if you are working in a group? What does participation look/sound like?
Everyone participating
Where did Ms. M go to college?
Explain how we transition/get materials
Put your dull pencil in the bucket and grab a new sharp pencil without disrupting anyone!
What is rule #3
3. Use hand signals and stay on task
What should you do if you disagree with your group about something?
Problem solve with STEP at an appropriate time or talk with Mrs. Mijares
does mrs. mijares have pets
5 seconds
Explain how we line up for class switches and specials/lunch/recess
line up in a straight line along the wall with your feet on your spot and your hands to yourself at a level zero.
What is rule #4?
4. Respect teachers, classmates, school, and supplies.
When it is independent work time what is your voice level?
What happens if you don't finish an assignment in class that you had plenty of time to do?
It is homework.
who is responsible for you and your choices?
What do you need to do if you have a thought or question to share?
Raise your hand
What are the consequences of not following the rules (name all4)
1. redirect card
2. sideline
3. buddy room
4. call home
If the slug is on what should you do?
Raise your hand., skip the wuestion and come back to it, be patient.
What is mrs. mijares fave color AND drink?
pink&sweet tea
List all the times you are supposed to go to the restroom and/or fill up your water bottle!
Before school
Before Specials
on the way to Lunch
During recess
After morphology
Independent work time