the study of living things
What is Biology?
a possible answer to a scientific question
What is a hypothesis?
List Step 1 of the Scientific Method
What is Ask a Question?
This field of biology is the study of plants.
What is botany?
The word part, micro, means _____.
What is small?
a special kind of test to get or find information
What is an experiment?
gathering information is also called...
What is researching?
List Step 2 of the Scientific Method
What is Gather Information?
These biologists study many different animals such as insects, birds, fish, and more.
What are zoologists?
What are the 5 major fields of Biology?
What is Botany, Zoology, Genetics, Microbiology, and Ecology?
a set of steps used to find answers to questions
What is the Scientific Method?
something used to make comparisons to
Hint: this answer is used twice
What is control?
List Step 3 of the Scientific Method
___________ is the study of how characteristics are passed from one generation to the next.
What is Genetics?
True or False: A scientist may occasionally change the order of the scientific method if necessary
What is true?
an idea that explains something based on repeated scientific observations and experiments
What is a theory?
Daily Double (Whomever gets this right gets bonus points on their quiz):
In an experiment, the condition that is being tested is called...
What is a variable?
List Step 4 of the Scientific Method
What is Test Your Hypothesis?
Microbiology is the study of living things that are too _____ to be seen with your eye.
What is small?
What are the two possible steps in testing your hypothesis in Step 4 of the Scientific Method?
What is do an experiment and make observations?
a theory that has passed many tests
What is a law?
the part of an experiment in which conditions are kept constant
Hint: this answer is used twice
What is control?
List Step 5 of the Scientific Method
What is Draw Conclusions?
This field of biology is the study of how living things interact with one another and the nonliving world?
What is ecology?
What must repeat if necessary in the Scientific Method?
What is your experiment?