Social skills

Understanding Non-Verbal Cues
Social Scenarios
Navigating conflict
Empathy and Understanding

What is empathy?

This skill involves understanding and responding appropriately to someone else's feelings, even if they are not explicitly stated.


What is body language?

This type of non-verbal communication can indicate that someone is feeling anxious or uncomfortable, such as crossing arms or avoiding eye contact.


What is tact?

When discussing a sensitive topic with a friend, it is important to balance this with honesty to maintain trust and respect.


What is talking it out?

If you and a friend are arguing, it’s helpful to do this to find out how each of you feels.


What is comforting them?

If your friend is upset about a lost toy, this action shows you care and understand their feelings.


What is collaboration?

When you’re involved in a group activity, this behavior helps ensure that everyone’s ideas are considered and that the group works well together.


What is anger or frustration?

If someone’s facial expression shows a frown and their body is tense, these signals often suggest they are experiencing this emotion.


What is managing group dynamics?

This involves recognizing when someone is trying to dominate a conversation and making sure to include others in the discussion.


What is staying composed?

When trying to resolve a conflict, this approach involves staying calm and not getting upset.


What is perspective-taking?

This term describes when you try to understand another person’s perspective even if you don’t agree with them.


What is introducing yourself and shaking hands?

When you meet someone new, it’s polite to do this to show you’re interested and respectful.


What is attentiveness or interest?

When a person leans in and maintains eye contact during a conversation, they are typically showing this level of engagement.


What is confidentiality?

When a friend/family member shares something personal with you, this concept involves keeping their confidence and not sharing it with others unless it is something harmful.


What is apologizing?

If you accidentally hurt someone’s feelings, it’s important to do this to make things right.


What is supportive?

When someone shares something personal with you, you should respond in a way that shows you’re being this.


What is active listening?

If a friend is upset and you want to support them, it’s important to use this technique to show that you are actively engaged and care about what they are saying.


What is showing agreement or encouragement?

This gesture, where someone nods their head or smiles while you are speaking, usually means they are doing this.


What is using aggression or making accusations?

When resolving a disagreement, it’s crucial to avoid this behavior, which involves blaming or attacking the other person, as it can escalate the conflict.


What is finding common ground?

When you disagree with someone but don’t want to escalate the situation, it’s good to use this technique.


What is emotional awareness?

This involves noticing and understanding the emotions of others, even if they are not directly expressed.


What is compromise?

When trying to resolve a conflict with someone, it’s crucial to find a solution that is acceptable to both parties. This approach is known as this.


What is sadness or fatigue?

If a person’s voice becomes softer and slower, this might indicate they are feeling this way.


What is saying “It’s okay” or “No problem”?

If someone accidentally bumps into you, this is a polite way to respond.


What is yelling or blaming?

When resolving a conflict, you should avoid this behavior, which can make the situation worse.


What is inviting them to join in or asking how they feel?

If you notice your friend is feeling left out, showing this can help resolve the conflict and make them feel included.