
What should you do when O'Canada is playing?

Stand quietly, face the flag, and do not talk to others.


How are you expected to walk down the hallway?

Quietly and on the right side of the hallway. Do not run, yell or be disruptive to other classrooms.


Where do you keep most of your school supplies?

Inside your desk or in your locker.


If you have a question what should you do?

Raise your hand or quietly ask your neighbor!


How should we treat others in this classroom?

We need to treat each other with respect and patience!


How should you enter the classroom in the morning?

Enter quietly, slowly, and politely. Put away stuff in your locker, and go sit in your desk. Get started on work or read.


What zones are we allowed to be in during recesses? Name two. 

1. Senior tarmac

2. Senior field

3. Front of the senior hill


Who is allowed to use the supplies in the mustache bins on the back shelf?

Everyone, help yourself but please return it to the bin afterwards. 


What will happen if you have your phone out at school?

If Ms. Middleton sees it she'll ask you once to put it away. If she sees it again, then your phone gets to hang out with Mrs. Salter for the rest of the day and your guardian will be contacted.


Can you take books from our classroom library home?

Yes but please just ask Ms. Middleton so she can write it down. That way everyone else will get a chance to read it!


What do you need to do if you are late in the morning?

Come through the front doors and sign in at the office. Once you get to class, and go straight to your locker.


What are two expectations if you stay for lunch?

1. Be seated.

2. Clean up after yourself.

4. Use your manners. 

5. Behave appropriately (no throwing food, running around the classroom, being too loud)


Are you allowed to go through another students desk or the teachers desk/filing cabinet to use their supplies?

No. You are responsible for your space and are not to touch anyone else's.


What should you do if Ms. Middleton asks for the class' attention. 

Stop what you're doing, make eye contact, and wait quietly for instructions.


If our principal, Mrs. Salter, knocks on the door in the middle of a lockdown should we open the door? 



Where do we meet outdoors when the bell goes in the mornings and after recesses?

Beside the portable door stairs!


What is the procedure if you need to use the bathroom? 

1. Ask permission

2. Use the washroom

4. Wash your hands

5. Come back to class

*** If you don't follow these expectations then an adult will need to escort you


Why is it important to keep you duotang and binder organized? Give one reason.

1. It's much easier to find things.

2. It will make Ms. Middleton's life easier when assessing your work. 

3. It will help prepare you for high school.


Can you take recess equipment outside?

Yes, but you have to ensure that it gets brought back in. 


Can you take pictures, snaps, or videos of anyone without their permission? What are the consequences if you do?

No. Your phone will be taken away and your parents/guardians will be contacted.


What is one things Ms. Middleton hopes to do every morning?

Make eye contact with each of you and say good morning!


If you need to get a drink of water what steps should you take?

1. Ask Ms. Middleton 

2. Use the water fountain

3. Come right back to class


What is something you should you bring down to the gym with you for phys ed?

1. Water bottle

2. Indoor shoes (if you need some, let me know)

3. Positive attitude


What doors are we supposed to go in and out of?

The portable doors!


What is the most important thing to Ms. Middleton about our classroom culture?

Our classroom and school is a space where ALL students, no matter their ethnicity, race, religion, sexual orientation, physical/mental/academic abilities, will feel safe to be themselves, take risks, and make mistakes!