Where are Ms. Orlowski’s favorite places to eat?
Torchy’s and Chuy’s
What is Ms. Orlowski's #1 rule?
I must respect myself, my classmates, and Ms. Orlowski.
What must I do to enter the classroom?
Give Ms. Orlowski a handshake, fist bump, side hug, or high five.
What should you never put in the center cubbies?
When are you considered tardy?
When you are not inside the classroom when the bell rings.
How many colleges did Ms. Orlowski go to?
What is Ms. Orlowski's second rule?
I must be safe.
Where do you read what you are doing when you first walk in each day?
Agenda on Board
What should I never put in Ms. Orlowski’s big pencil sharpener?
Crayons and Colored Pencils
What happens if Ms. Orlowski sees you at all with a phone?
She takes it up and sends it to the office.
Which town did Ms. Orlowski grow up in?
Whitehouse, TX
What is Ms. Orlowski's third rule?
I must be responsible.
When may you get out of your seat at the end of class?
When Ms. Orlowski dismisses you
What supplies are off limits to you unless you ask first?
The supplies on Ms. Orlowski's desk.
I have _______ expectations for you.
How many siblings does Ms. Orlowski have?
The first time I misbehave the consequence is...
A warning on the behavior tracker
Where do you turn papers in during class?
Class period tray
Where do you document a book that you checked out from Ms. Orlowski’s library?
Google Form
What will I do if I need to get your attention?
“Can I please have your attention?” And then I will count to 5.
Which sport has Ms. Orlowski recently started playing?
The second time that I misbehave the consequence is....
A call home to my parent or guardian
When can I not use the restroom?
When Ms. Orlowski is standing at the front of the room teaching and the first and last 10 minutes of class.
Where can I sharpen colored pencils?
I can use the pencil sharpeners in the blue bin.
What should you say when someone does something for you or you need something?
Please and Thank You