Literary Elements
Rhetorical Devices
Subject-Verb Agreement
Various English II Terms
Speech Structures
the term for a part of a story that allows you to predict what will happen later in the story
What is foreshadowing?
A comparison between two things using "like" or "as" or "than"
What is a simile?
the simple subject and the verb of this sentence: The players on the basketball team are talented.
What is "players are" ?
what someone has when he or she favors one side over another
What is bias?
the structure that goes in step-by-step order
What is sequential?
a story containing lots of symbolism where all the symbols work together to create an underlying or "hidden" story
What is allegory?
using exaggeration or an overstatement
What is hyperbole?
the simple subject and the main verb of this sentence: Who is going to ace the EOC this year?
What is "who is"?
the basis of an argument is not correct, therefore the whole argument is invalid
What is false premise?
the structure that identifies what is wrong and offers way/s to fix it
What is problem-solution?
a story that teaches a lesson or has a moral
What is a parable?
a comparison between two things that implies that one thing actually IS the other thing; can often be used with the word "of"
What is a metaphor?
the simple subject and the main verb of this sentence: Delilah and her friends from college are meeting up this weekend.
What is "Delilah and friends are meeting"?
the origin of a word
What is etymology?
structure that identifies what is happening and why it is happening
What is cause-effect?
a type of literature that mocks or makes fun of something for the purposes of calling attention to the problems with that person or thing
What is satire?
the repeating of sentence structures as well as certain words or phrases
What is parallelism and repetition?
the simple subject and the main verb of this sentence: The people who live in Tennessee are lucky to live in such a beautiful state.
What is "people are"?
the English II word for going against something
What is refute or make a rebuttal?
structure that points out similarities and/or differences in two things
What is comparison-contrast?
a contradiction of two ideas that seems to be untrue but actually expresses a truth; can seem like a "deep thought"
What is paradox?
an extended comparison where two situations or ideas are compared and certain similarities between the two things are specifically pointed out
What is an analogy?
the simple subject and verb of this sentence: The ones who are nice are pleasant to be around.
What is "ones are"?
parts of a story that give you hints about what time period the story is set or what the lifestyle is of the characters in the story
What are historical or cultural cues?
structure that states an idea and then gives reasons why that idea is a good one
What is proposition-support (or proposal-support)?