English Language
Dance & Drama
General Knowledge

These are things that can be controlled or changed in an experiment. They are very important to consider when predicting the outcome. 

What are variables? 


When lines meet at 90o, they are said to be this.  

What is perpendicular? 


This part of the sentence contains everything but the subject.

What is the predicate? 


This is a conversation between two or more people. 

What is a dialogue? 


Dog is to kennel as pig is to this.

What is a sty? 


These are the tools or equipment used in the conduct of an experiment.

What are apparatus?


Now here is where two or more line segments or edges meet. Think they may be having a party there? 

 What is a vertex?


Though we may sound alike, we have different meanings, and we certainly are not spelled in the same way at all. This may be an example two.....oops! I meant too. 

What are homophones? 


This is a movement of a part of the body, especially a hand or the head, to express an idea. It is a form of non-verbal communication or non-vocal communication.

What is a gesture? 


These are the world's fastest dogs; so fast in fact that there is a type of bus named after them. 

What are greyhounds?


This is an intelligent, educated guess or prediction about why something happened.

What is a hypothesis?


The line referred to here joins two corners that are not next to each other. It is as straight as an arrow, though slanted or leaning at an angle of say....45o

What is a diagonal line?


This means to arrive at a conclusion based on the evidence seen. 

What is deduce?


These are breaks between parts of a performance or production, such as for a theatrical play, opera, concert, or movie. Go grab a bag of popcorn and some soda!

What are intervals or intermissions?


The four-legged beasts that walk the earth are also known by this name. 

What are quadrupeds?


This is a space without matter or air.

What is a vacuum?


As far as the eyes can see, these lines will run but will never ever meet. 

What are parallel lines?


To do this, you will need the evidence and your previous knowledge. Then you must be like a detective and read between the lines to see what is not shown and hear what is not said explicitly!

What is make inferences?


This is the art of designing or creating dance moves and routines. Can you dance?

What is choreography?


A small leaf is called this. 

What is a bud?


These are micro-organisms having just one cell and found almost everywhere. 

What is bacteria?


A quadrilateral I am with four sides of equal length. My opposite sides are parallel to each other. My angles though, are not 90o at all. 

What is a rhombus?


In the English Language, eight parts of speech there be. If you can name them, then a star you are to me. 

What are, nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs, adjectives, prepositions, interjections, and conjunctions?


The type of stage seen here: 

What is a proscenium? 


The Edith Dalton James High School began operations on this date. 

When is September 5, 1977?