What do I do in the hallway when I reach my class?
Line up calmly in the hall until I am invited in by a teacher
What are the classroom expectations for keeping everyone physically safe in the classroom?
Keep hands, feet, and belongings to ourselves.
What is a rule in the social contract that lets you know what to do when someone is talking?
-Respect the speaker when they are talking by not interrupting.
-No blurting or loud noises. Raise your hand.
-Only one person talking at a time.
Where does my backpack go?
Under the countertop by the door
What do I do if I have a question?
Raise your hand and wait to be called on or helped
How should I speak in the hallways?
I will use appropriate language and volume, ex. no cussing, no shouting, no screaming
What do classroom expectations say we need to do to keep the classroom organized?
Respect materials and clean up after ourselves
What is one of our social contract rules that helps keep the classroom safe?
Keep the classroom safe and organized
Where does my assignment go when I am ready to turn it in?
The inbox for my class period by the exit door
What do I do if I need a pencil?
How should I get to my next class?
Take the most direct route to class and be on time, ex. don't walk my friend to class across campus
What are the classroom expectations for entering the classroom at the beginning of class?
Enter calmly and respectfully, have a charged chromebook and all other materials ready, and be in my seat when the bell rings
What is one of our social contract rules that tells you how to participate in class?
Try your best.
I think I turned in my assignment, but it says missing in Aeries. Where is it?
My backpack, A folder for another class, The No Name folder, or Ms. Russell hasn't graded it yet because it was late
Wait for a time when Ms. Russell is not giving instructions, give her a bathroom pass, and sign in/out of the bathroom binder
What do I do if I see my friend in the hallway but they are going in the opposite direction?
Quickly say hello but keep walking. The hallway expectations say that we should walk safely in the hallways and avoid gathering in groups that could block the hallway.
What are the classroom expectations for if I have a conflict with someone else?
Communicate with a trusted adult, ex. a teacher or teacher's aide
What is one of our social contract rules that tells you how to interact with other people?
-No bullying.
-Don't judge or make fun of people for their ideas or if they make mistakes.
-Respect people's boundaries.
Where do I put my phone or smartwatch?
Turned off in my backpack as soon as I enter the gates of the school
What do I do if I was absent and don't know what to make up?
Check Google Classroom, and check in with Ms. Russell the day that I get back to school
What do I do if another teacher, campus supervisor, or other adult calls after me in the hallway?
Respectfully go talk to them and listen to them. The hallway expectations say I will follow directions from all adults.
What are classroom expectations for listening to adults in the room?
Follow instructions promptly (the first time), and ask questions appropriately
What is one of the rules in the social contract that tells us how to speak in class?
No hurtful words or bad language.
Where do I put work that Ms. Russell has already graded and given back to me?
In my science folder, and I keep it until she says it's time to get rid of it.
What do I do if I have a question about my grade?
Talk to Ms. Russell before school, before class starts, during lunch, or after school